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15-07-12, 08:16 PM
I had a sight test Today and the optician has spotted some lessions on both of my retinas that need to be investigated. He told me that it is common and that they are 'not raised' however I will have to go to hospital to have it checked out and to also check that they are not malignant!!!
I don't mind admitting that I'm sh1t scared.

15-07-12, 09:35 PM
:o whats your job?

15-07-12, 09:43 PM
I'm an assistant manager in retail.

15-07-12, 11:02 PM
oh ok, wondered if your job involved anything high energy wise you had to look at which may have explained the burns on the eye. i.e. arc welding...

fingers crossed its all ok for you

16-07-12, 08:39 AM
I had a sight test Today and the optician has spotted some lessions on both of my retinas that need to be investigated. He told me that it is common and that they are 'not raised' however I will have to go to hospital to have it checked out and to also check that they are not malignant!!!
I don't mind admitting that I'm sh1t scared.

Why not give the opticians a call and say just what you've posted. They really should be happy to explain it for you.

21-07-12, 08:13 PM
They should be happy to explain to set your mind at rest. Have you gotr your appointment yet?


22-07-12, 08:53 AM
Hey Rabb, dont panic. I had the same thing a few years back, had to have drops in at the hospital to widen pupils so they can have a good look around and you cannot drive or ride afterwards. Turned out to be a simple mole on the back of the eye and nothing to worry about.
Good luck and hope all goes well.

22-07-12, 08:56 AM
oh,,,, and take some sunglasses cos the light is a little uncomfortable afterwards because your pupils will be dilated and will not react to light for a couple of hours.

22-07-12, 09:16 AM
Eyes are treated as your most important sense so they will always take any eye problems seriously (quickly)

Had a condition called Iritus a couple of years back. My eye got very red and inflamed - felt like there was something in it.

Went to doctor and got sent (emergency) to the eye clinic in Bath. Your own bodies defence system attacks your own eye and tries to destroy it. Unless caught quick it can cause serious damage

I had steroid eye drops to put in eye every hour for 6 weeks + other creams as well


My other eye was damaged in an explosion back in the 80's so I have blurred vision in the other so with both eyes not good I was half blind for two weeks.

Iritus can come back regularly or not at all. I spoke to a chap at our rally who gets it occasionally and he had to have emergency steroid injections in his eyeball.. :o

22-07-12, 09:45 AM
Thanks for the info guys & gals.
Appointment booked at Warminster -16th August (earliest available!!!)
- Despite a two week rule if a cancer is suspected??

22-07-12, 09:51 AM
They don't hang about if they suspect serious. I was at the eye clinic within 2 hours and jumping the appointment queue when there.

22-07-12, 04:55 PM
Thanks SuperDel - I guess they know what they are doing.
I will wait & see...

17-08-12, 09:51 PM
Update - not cancer or malignant is the good news.
Bad news is that the opthalmologist has spotted another 'non treatable' eye disease.
It is called 'Lattice degeneration'.
There is no treatment currently available - and I only have a problem with my eyesight if my retina detaches or tears. If the retina detaches I will have to get to a hospital fast for surgery!

I'll just carry on as normal (making sure I look after my head and eyes) - no knocks or scrapes.

17-08-12, 11:37 PM
kinda good news :-/ hope you can still ride with the LD

18-08-12, 12:04 AM
kinda good news :-/ hope you can still ride with the LD

Thanks Dan.
Yep - Can still ride the bike / car - I have 20/20 vision with glasses/lenses however, if I knock my head or eye in the wrong way - I will be more susceptible to a torn / detached retina - which will require immediate attention. Obviously no contact sports (boxing e.t.c.)

Trust me to get something rare (8-11% of the population have this) and it is purely hereditary.

18-08-12, 09:39 AM
Good to know ridings not prohibited 8-) means you have to mind speed bumps and potholes too, not easy in this country