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11-10-12, 08:00 AM
Grateful for the oncoming 40 tonne lorry that pulled into my lane to overtake someone? grateful for the slippery diesel on the road? grateful for locking the rear tyre at over 40mph?

not really, i am grateful i can sit here and type this.......
i have seen some sights in my young life but today right now i am absolutley terrified. i'm not scared of death nor injury but scared i may not have seen my wife and son again....

Ride safe people.

11-10-12, 08:03 AM
Interesting commute this morning Dan????

Is a bit slippey out there! As above, ride safe peeps.

11-10-12, 10:06 AM
you could say that Jon, its bad enough when they pull out to overtake and going the same way as you, but when its barrelling towards you its not good and sideways on the bike wasn't exactly fun either

11-10-12, 10:22 AM
You saying that, watch out if you ride down Kingsdown Road atm... a lot of oil there again... buses... are normally the cause!

11-10-12, 10:29 AM
Grateful for the oncoming 40 tonne lorry that pulled into my lane to overtake someone? grateful for the slippery diesel on the road? grateful for locking the rear tyre at over 40mph?

not really, i am grateful i can sit here and type this.......
i have seen some sights in my young life but today right now i am absolutley terrified. i'm not scared of death nor injury but scared i may not have seen my wife and son again....

Ride safe people.

So glad you are OK you've certainly got to do all you can to make sure people see you especially on a grotty day like this. Go careful.

11-10-12, 10:58 AM
Nasty one. Good job you're ok :)

11-10-12, 11:33 AM
Great to hear you are ok. Sounds like you had good control of the situation. Well done. Chalk it all down to experience.

11-10-12, 01:03 PM
Riding in this weather is ****, do you not have a car option, or slum it with the prolls on the bus/train?

11-10-12, 01:17 PM
Riding is good at the mo.... interesting!

11-10-12, 01:23 PM
Sounds like you used up one of your nine lives there 8-)

11-10-12, 01:36 PM
Just makes you want to make sure everythings in order.
Make a will, decide what songs at your funeral, etc..

Sounds morbid but it doesn't hurt to think about these things

11-10-12, 02:04 PM
I don't want a funeral, just scrap me up off the road, chuck me in a bag and incinerate :D
See you on the other side 8-)

11-10-12, 02:06 PM
Just makes you want to make sure everythings in order.
Make a will, decide what songs at your funeral, etc..

Sounds morbid but it doesn't hurt to think about these things

WTF, it's not war out there, just riding a bike ffs.

11-10-12, 03:06 PM
Riding in this weather is ****, do you not have a car option, or slum it with the prolls on the bus/train?

car stays tucked up in the warm for the missus and baby. prolls? now if you'd said trolls i'd be closer to your thinking, i detest the bus, pointless waste of time, i'd rather crawl to work than get on one of them again.

11-10-12, 03:12 PM

I like riding my bike, but sod that for a game of soldiers, i'd rather be on a warm bus than soaking wet.

11-10-12, 03:15 PM
oh ok,

i used to think sod being a soldier for a game of soldiers but thats another thread entirely.... ;D it's only my kit and bike and spirits that get dampened in the wet, my socks stay dry so its all good :P

11-10-12, 03:16 PM
Fear not, skin is waterproof.

11-10-12, 03:18 PM
and if it aint raining, it aint tra........ :)

11-10-12, 03:28 PM
Glad to hear your okay mate. Your bike isn't the hardest think to miss either.
Keep your chin up and just keep those eyes wide open for crazy idiots

11-10-12, 04:46 PM
Just makes you want to make sure everythings in order.
Make a will, decide what songs at your funeral, etc..

Sounds morbid but it doesn't hurt to think about these things

Funny you should say that Kev.......but its not morbid at all.

As many of you know, my mum suffered a massive brain bleed in May and never came round from it.
When going through her things I found 2 letters, in with her will, addressed to me.
One was a lovely one saying how I wasnt to grieve and how proud she is of me etc etc,
The other had all of her bank details, direct debit payments, where to find paperwork etc etc so that I would be able to cancel everything and deal with her financial affairs without the worry of forgetting anything.

Both letters were dated one month before the day she died !

I will be forever grateful for those letters because it told me everything I needed to know to ensure everything was sorted with no worries on my part. She even said where she wants her ashes thrown, the music at her service and what I was to do with her treasured possessions.

One thing I urge people to do is to address these issues 'cos it certainly makes life a little easier for those left behind and gets rid of any doubts about whether they wanted a funeral/cremation/flowers/music/ etc etc

Not morbid Kevinb........thoughtful I'd say :) :) :) :) :) :)

11-10-12, 04:47 PM
PS.........Glad you are ok Dan.....certainly puts things into prospective doesnt it :) :) :) :)

15-10-12, 08:02 AM
Glad you're okay, Dan. :o

16-10-12, 10:15 PM
Better late to work/home than early to the grave.

Glad you're alright mate.

16-10-12, 11:05 PM
Glad you're OK Dan!
Makes you realise that loved ones, family & friends are the most important things in your life when it comes down to it.

I've had a couple of bad experiences recently
1. Rear wheel double lock up on a bend at about 60mph (bike bounced both ways before freeing up the wheel properly.
2. Smidsy whilst filtering (the guy decided to make a right turn from a minor to a major road "blind"
causing me to have to do a full stoppie).

I have put them both down to experience. I am thankful that I changed my brakes and tyres a few weeks before and they were definitely at the top of their performance rating.
Some things happen for a reason - enjoy life and be thankful.