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View Full Version : P.H. Lifting services driving standards

08-11-12, 07:05 PM
After following a lorry today for the majority of my journey home I think the company needs to give their lorry drivers another driving test! The said lorry today pulled out infront of people at roundabouts, drove through red lights and while pulling out of a junction almost went into a biker!

08-11-12, 07:10 PM
Probably in a rush to get to a murdering.

08-11-12, 07:38 PM
Send them an e-mail
They are based in Stockport, Cheshire (if that's the right company??)

08-11-12, 07:45 PM
This one???


08-11-12, 08:21 PM
That's the company!didnt manage to get a number plate otherwise I would name and shame a little more :P

08-11-12, 08:36 PM
If you still want to report him, then time and locations would be more than enough for them to know which driver it was.

09-11-12, 07:08 AM
+ 1 for reporting it

09-11-12, 07:42 AM
Report him Hazel.
Most truckers are good drivers and take pride but there is inevitably a few about who give the rest a bad name. They also give their company a bad name and they don't want that.


09-11-12, 07:45 AM
Anyone searching for that company on Google now know they have at least one bad driver.

09-11-12, 08:03 PM
Was hoping it would be in longleat again today but he wasn't :-/

10-11-12, 11:14 PM
have you reported it yet?

11-11-12, 10:12 AM
Not yet, havnt had chance and not really sure it's worth it :-/

12-11-12, 12:32 PM
It would be worth it, the driver may only receive a ticking-off from his boss, but if it saves an incident arising down the road from his abysmal driving further then it'll be worth it. To be honest, the company should be pretty aggrieved that a member of the public feels strongly enough to make the effort to complain about the conduct of one of their drivers so more good could come of your complaint than you may imagine.
Get on the phone to them or ping them an email (at least if you phone and ask to speak to the MD rather than just tell it to the receptionist you'll be assured that they have indeed received the message)

12-11-12, 10:14 PM
Agreed [smiley=smiley_up.gif]