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View Full Version : 4 day week anyone?

03-02-13, 09:18 PM
The Gambia has shortened the work week, making Friday a day of rest. Is this the perfect pattern for a working week? In the tiny African nation of The Gambia, public sector workers will now clock in at 8am and clock out at 6pm, Monday to Thursday.

They'll still do a 40-hour week but have the luxury of Friday off. President Jammeh wants the extra rest day to "allow Gambians to devote more time to prayers, social activities and agriculture" and ride their bikes ( I added that bit lol) [smiley=thumbsup.gif] :P

When living in the Highlands I worked a 4 day week in the oil yards for a number of years. Friday was a voluntary overtime shift and it was great if I wanted to go somewhere for a long weekend.

I appreciate that a 4 day 40-hour week would not be appropriate for some sectors, but do you think this could work here? From a biker’s perspective, a nice bimble on a sunny Friday? 8-) [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Anyway, just a thought.

03-02-13, 09:52 PM
I'd love it! 8-)

03-02-13, 09:54 PM
That would be a dream come true

03-02-13, 10:08 PM
Makes sense and could be a real advantage for business - let's be honest takes a lot of folk a good half an hour to get fired up in the morning and perhaps another 20 minutes to unwind before home time. More productivity and less overheads too. What am I saying - sound like a CBI spindoctor. :o ;D

Ps forgot to mention less traffic too = less carbon footprint = less global warming ::) ::) ::)

Win win win 8-)

03-02-13, 10:44 PM
Four days on.. three days off has got my vote! :)

03-02-13, 11:08 PM
I wish, but we all know if it changes it would go the other way. 6 on 1 off.

I HATE working and would prefer to spend the time at home with family or on the bike.

;) ;) ;)

03-02-13, 11:29 PM
Its a great plan Ken !!! 8-) I worked for a book wholesaler years ago and had 40 hours condensed into 4 days and 3 days off EVERY WEEK !!! I did this for 3 years and it was bloody awesome !!! :)

Geordie Stu
04-02-13, 11:33 AM
That's great for 2nd or even 3rd world countries. Don't see that ever happening in the developed world.

If the goverment decided to give us a referrendum on this then, I'd prefer the Monday off, then Tuesday would become the new Monday. ::)

In sales. I have no choice than to work Business hours & catch up on "Paperwork" when I can Early mornings / late evenings :(

04-02-13, 11:42 AM
In the past, I have worked 7 days on, 3 off, 7 on and 4 off. I used to love that work pattern although it meant I worked 2 weekends out of 3. I don't work shifts anymore but we've had to stop these anyway due to Working Time Directives :(

04-02-13, 11:56 AM
Stu, don’t need a referendum – leave it up to the employers and employees to negotiate the work patterns which suit them best (local democracy). The, “Tell you what I don’t like Mondays” brigade can take Mondays off instead of Fridays. Simple, sorted.

And a 4-day 40 hour working week is compatible with the European ‘working time directive.’ Let’s do it! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

“This time next year Rodney” we could be organising official WB rides to take place on Sunny Fridays. ;) :D ;D

04-02-13, 12:18 PM
3 days of rain then!! :(

04-02-13, 12:19 PM
To be the voice of sense and reason, there's no way I could afford to do it with my business. Yes, you're working the same amount of hours but outside of manufacturing or process-driven industry there's no way that extra hours at the start/end of the day are as good as an additional day.

04-02-13, 12:44 PM
The Europeans do a strange thing when the shops open later, close for tea then open in the evening.

Not too bad an idea because the amount of times I have had to book a full day off just because of opening times is ridiculous.

05-02-13, 12:29 PM
Have done this and its a great way to work. Doubt it would come it though as may manufacturers and retailers are 24-7 so need full time cover.

05-02-13, 12:40 PM
Whatever the shift pattern still only work 40 hours a week worked Jon. Another option - job-sharing to provide cover and reduce unemployment?

May be a non-starter here. :'(

As a society, perhaps the Gambians place more emphasis on family and social life and less on worshiping at the altar of 'big business' than we do? :(

05-02-13, 07:45 PM
If it fits around the then I think it's a good idea. My boss does a 9 day fortnight so she has alternate fridays off.