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Geordie Stu
21-03-13, 07:54 AM
Thinking of purchasing a video camera. I'd like your input pls


21-03-13, 09:59 AM
Thinking of purchasing a video camera. I'd like your input pls


I spent ages thinking about buying a video camera to use on the bike, read loads of info, checked out loads of UTube clips and reviews, and in the end bought something very similar to that and wished I hadnt bothered to be honest.

I was really disappointed with the quality and for me came to the conclusion unless I was going to spend a lot more on a say a GoPro or Drift HD it just wasnt worth it for everyday use. Maybe I'd feel differently if I was heading off on a bike holiday abroad etc.

Not sure if that really helps :-/

21-03-13, 12:55 PM
I thought about it for going to seville but come to the conclusion i didn't want to carry lots of memory cards for the recordings or download them every night onto hard storage!
If i find anything worth recording i'll stop and take a picture!

21-03-13, 01:55 PM
Don't waste your money on these cheap nasty video cameras, I have a few friends that have purchased cheap camera's like that and they binned them based on quality of the video.

If you look at GoPro and Drift and want something that's going to give you a high quality video like them, buy one of them.

I'm currently looking at a GoPro, Either go for a White Edition or a Black, the silver isn't really a viable purchase.

If you are new to them, buy the white Edition or the old GoPro Hero 2 HD, as they are very similar. If you want the extra 4K Cinema shoot which looks, to be frank out of this world, pick the Black Edition.

The batteries only last about an hour according to their website and they can only be recharged back through the camera not in a standalone unit - that sucks! Batteries are only £20.00 though. People also report the extra batteries you can buy actually last better than the one that is supplied with the unit / more powerful.

21-03-13, 03:00 PM
I'm sure someone who has one/looked into this more than me will be best to help but I found Argos offering some of the best prices for GoPro -


21-03-13, 06:07 PM
Check this video out Stu.

It compares the GoPro vs the Drift.


Bear with the fact that the guy is American.

Geordie Stu
22-03-13, 10:02 AM
Thanks Guys the research continues Nice video on you tube Dan.

Made me laugh that the guy has his bike in the kitchen/living room ;D

22-03-13, 06:12 PM
Baron Von Grumble uses the Drift HD
If you use his link you get 10% off

10% off at http://www.actioncameras.co.uk with code "BARON10"

Here's his latest vid for an idea how good his camera is


22-03-13, 06:48 PM
GoProHero2 vs. Drift HD


Geordie Stu
23-03-13, 10:51 AM
Link below iva Facebook is giving 40% discount £192.00 delivery not till April though


24-03-13, 06:42 PM
Just found this deal on the White Edition


27-03-13, 10:40 PM
Have you considered/looked at Contour cameras. UberDave has one and swears by it. They are also a bit less obvious than the other two cameras as well, i.e. more discreet