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View Full Version : Rare sight in Tidworth

09-04-06, 06:27 PM
Just popped into Lidl's yesterday and on coming out saw a fully kitted out Goldwing, towing a trailor which must have been 4ft high, 6ft long. Special paintjob on both and the Goldie must have had every accessory available i.e radio, GPS, drinks holders etc., etc. What made me laugh was that there was another minature 'sidecar' fixed to the top of the trailor, again colour matched, with the owners Jack Russell wearing a 1930's style flying helmet and silk scarf!!

Are we bikers mad or what?

09-04-06, 06:44 PM
Goldwing riders are a different type of breed to us 'normal' bikers i think

In that i mean they want to ride a bike and a car at the same time ::)

Are you often down that neck of the woods Graeme? i'm just along the road at Bulford

09-04-06, 07:10 PM
When we had the 1st meet and I left the group in Devizes, the Black Horse car park was full of Wings when I went past. I just can't see the attraction myself. ::)

09-04-06, 07:15 PM
Goldwing is just a point. Whats the point of having all the stuff a car has on it. You might as well get a car it would look 3 times better.

09-04-06, 07:48 PM
Ninja-Richie - I'm in Collingbourne Kingston so Tidworth is close by. My youngest son used to play football up at Bulford.

09-04-06, 07:51 PM
ah yes, i know where you mean Graeme

do you reckon that pub in the village would be suitable for a Wiltshire Bikers meet sometime?

09-04-06, 07:56 PM
Not sure. If you mean the Barleycorn it was sold to a chain (Brakespears, I think) only a week ago so I don't know how biker friendly they are. Have not met the new manager yet. The Blue Lion in Ducis is up for sale as well.

09-04-06, 07:59 PM
yeah, its been up for sale for a while now.

never been in, just past it loads of times

09-04-06, 08:05 PM
I wouldn't bother if I were you. It's been sold so many times over the years you would have thought somebody would have guessed whats wrong with it by now. The beer garden (3 tables) looks out over the car park and next doors haulage company. Tiny inside to. The Barleycorn is OK - good food but a little pricey. May change with the new breweries interest.