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18-07-06, 09:36 AM
Me and my girlfriend bought our first house together a couple of months ago, good news i hear your cry.

Not when you passed your bike test a few months prior and all that money i had saved up for my

beautiful shiny R6 is now in the hands of solicitors and building societies :'(

Life really does suck at the moment

18-07-06, 09:43 AM
it'll come mate even if you have to wait until you remortgage lol. Nah seriously just budget and the shiney beast should be yours soon

18-07-06, 10:13 AM
yes, you will will be back on 2 wheels if you want to be. Just keep saving the pennies. It might not be quite the shiny beast you wanted even but as long as you get back out there!


18-07-06, 10:26 AM
to be honest mate I'd swap my bike for a property any day!

Just save the pennies like people have said and get another bike, may not be an R1 but a bike is a bike!

18-07-06, 12:09 PM
it'll come mate even if you have to wait until you remortgage lol. Nah seriously just budget and the shiney beast should be yours soon

remortgage hey hmmmm, not a bad idea. No she will cut my swingers off!!! I want a bike but not that


18-07-06, 05:18 PM
House gains value..unless something goes really wrong..Bike will loose value.
So once house made you thousands..current inflation probally 2-3months..use the equity!:D

18-07-06, 05:50 PM
Don't worry, I had too sell my last bike because wifey couldn't ride and we needed 2 means of transport, then I forot about biking and now just got back into it after 12 years, hope for ya yet