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15-05-07, 05:35 PM
Hi all

Well you lovely girls really! ;)

Any of you been to the GirlsBike2 store in Poole?

Is it worth a look, my girlfriend wants to find herself a pair of leathers for when she comes out on the bike with me.

Or do you know of any other dealers that stock a good range of women's gear!



15-05-07, 08:02 PM
You could try Vixen Ladies Leathers.


They are specifically designed for the ladies figure!

16-05-07, 08:42 AM
I'd say it's worth a nice day out to poole. There aren't many places that women can just walk into and try stuff on, in a variety of sizes and styles.

You could try Fowlers in Bristol, who stock the usual brands, Rev-it, Alpinstars etc.

Also Frasers on Bristol Road in Gloucester, and Bransons in Gloucester seem to stock a limited selection of womens trousers too.

My first pair of leathers are a mans, they seemed to fit better. It all depends on what shape she is. Good luck!

16-05-07, 01:34 PM
no haven't sorry but then im a dyed in the wool Hein Gericke fan who also do ladies gear so if you
don't have any luck with the rest they could be worth a try and they have a shop in bournemouth

19-05-07, 10:13 AM
They are good. Bought some kit from the Poole shop late last year, really friendly and helpful.

I would also recommend Crescent Suzuki as they have a selection of girls kit there and they are willing to spend the time making sure you get the right fit (I was trying on stuff for well over an hour) and you are happy. The guy there once said to me if he spends less than an hour with a customer he is always a bit concerned they may have rushed their choice! Bit different to Fowlers who simply point to where the kit is!

Hein Gericke in Bristol are good too - I always have a laugh when I go and see them - good guys.

19-05-07, 12:34 PM
Not been to Poole, but got mine from George White in Swindon during their open weekend. Have heard that the bike shows are a good place to pick up some bargains. I didnt have much luck with Fowlers in Bristol as found their range quite limited for us girlies, especially as we come in so many different shapes and sizes! Good luck on the hunt, and would recommend she takes her time getting into all sorts of strange positions in the changing rooms to make sure they are comfortable! ;)

21-05-07, 02:13 PM
The best bike shops will allow you to sit on bikes in leathers once you've tried them on :D

22-05-07, 07:33 AM
Hi All you girl bikers

Thanks for your replies

Got her sorted at the BMF show last weekend

All AGVsport stuff, very nice and very pink!

thanks girls


22-05-07, 12:06 PM
excellent, glad she's sorted!

28-05-07, 03:12 PM
Yes, I've been there recently and really recommend going. It was fantastic to be surrounded by only girlie stuff!
I bought a jacket from there and to be honest, whenever I'm after any clothing, I tend to go to their website first as all other sites (and shops for that matter) seem to be a case of trawling thru blokes stuff only to find a dismally miniscule women's section :-/
Also the lady who runs the shop is lovely and really helpful. (Blimey.... I should go for some commission!!)