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10-12-07, 01:51 PM

Just in case it happens, dont say I didnt warn you alright ;)

11-12-07, 01:33 PM
I'm all for it, price of fuel is taking the piss!

11-12-07, 01:40 PM
It sounds as though Transaction 2007 are aiming for the protest to take place over the weekend, particularly Saturday.

Fuel prices are rising, but just what will such a protest achieve? If the Government reduces the duty (which is improbable) it will have no other option to raise taxes elsewhere to make good the shortfall in public finances.

11-12-07, 06:32 PM
This is the exact problem, we are now all paying the cost of this goverments wild overspending...they've thrown money at social/NHS/education...and what has it achieved?

Nothing except higher bills for the taxpayer cos it's all gone down the drain...nice one!

Personally I think this fuel thing is the tip of the iceburg...every hard working man and woman in this country is sick to the back teeth of this goverment it's about time we had an election to get shot of them once and for all.

Only problem is...at the moment the alternatives ain't exactly clued up either...but hey "less of two evils" as they say!

11-12-07, 09:18 PM
Wahaay let's all have cheaper fuel, bollocks to the planet! Great. At some point we have to wake up to the real cost of global warming and IMHO the only way to reduce fuel usage is to price fix. Even biofuel is indirectly causing havoc, with parts of the Malaysian rainforest being felled to then grow Palms to make biofuel to feed the demand for 'green' fuel, FFS! It's a shame that road tax isn't scrapped and the revenue it generated is gained alternatively by increasing the fuel cost, at least that way the old lady who drives twice a week for shopping will only pay for what she uses rather than a fixed sum whatever the usage, ie the polluter pays.

Whilst Brown's lot are not fantastic by any means, the 'opposition' at the moment is a an ex Etonion who will look after the rich just like his mentor Thatcher did, and carry on shafting all bar the upper & upper middle classes. I can't remember the conservative party being helpful for the majority of hard working men and women in the past (1985 miners!). Blair turned New Labour into what was traditional tory ideals and left the tories with nowhere to go, and the lib dems are now the socialist party, bizarre!

Just my 2penneth I'll await the flaming! ;D

12-12-07, 09:37 AM
Hey I am staying out of this one, all I did was to let you know they might have a Petrol Strike that is all.

12-12-07, 12:52 PM
No one is shooting the messenger, ignell; the "protest" appears that it will be a fruitless exercise.

12-12-07, 05:21 PM
Hey I am staying out of this one, all I did was to let you know they might have a Petrol Strike that is all.

As above Igbell, not having a pop at anyone, just airing a view! :)

12-12-07, 06:57 PM
Global warming...more spin just like IRAQ's 60 second weapons of mass distraction.

Problem is most people in this country believe what they are told, most of it through TV and newspapers...how can you draw a line between the truth and made up bollox?

Fact is, this country is currently not "sustainable"....Immigration accounted for 66% of pouplation growth last year....goverment spending and handouts is out of control...and now they are trying to tax everyone into the ground to cover their asses...covering these stealth taxes with words like "global warming" etc.

Either one of two things are going to happen in this country....and thats a revolution...or a civil war...no two ways about it things cannot go on the way they are we are all living in a fansasy world bubble created by labour which is being kept together at the seems with spirialing national debt and immagrants treating the British Isles as a life long free 5 star hotel.

I agree the con's need to get a decent leader sorted...I ain't a fan of anyone from Eton they all look out for the big boys club...but if it came to it I'd vote BNP if it got labour out of power.

There are far greener ways of powering vehicles and homes...but the goverment wouldn't make no way near as much tax revenue of them as they are "sustainable" sources of power/energy...thats why they've not bothered investing in them.

Hydrogen and ethernol are both good fuels for road going vehicles and burn very clean to point where the naked eye can't even see them burning...

For power to homes/businesses Tidal/Hydro is the way to go as again they are sustainable and free...but the goverment won't put up the money to have them built...they would rather build nuclear plants so arabs can come along and blow them up to even the score! (Oh but it looks good at the EU summit on the CO2 ticksheet)

Anyway as I said I'm all for the protests...it's good to see that not everyone feels downheartened and defeated.....they still have some fight left in them!

PS: Same as above, no-one having a pop...all educational you see :)

PPS: Oh and I forgot to add...if you really care about global warming...then stop buying anything that comes from China...they build on average two power stations a week, most of which are coal based...mmmmmmm loads of CO2 yummy makes what all the cars produce in the UK look like a spot of dust on the map.

13-12-07, 06:32 AM
As Mike said

"It's a shame that road tax isn't scrapped and the revenue it generated is gained alternatively by increasing the fuel cost, at least that way the old lady who drives twice a week for shopping will only pay for what she uses rather than a fixed sum whatever the usage, ie the polluter pays."

Ive been saying this for YEARS!!! Also it would illiminate the problem of car tax dodgers. Its the no-pay no-go principle.

If theres ever a "good time" to have the protest surely 21-22 Dec would be best as its the week end before Xmas and people will be filling up as they prepare to do their last second shopping and / or going away to see Great Aunt Agnes! This would also give the protest a better chance of being on the main news on Christmas day making it even higher profile and dropping Gordon & Co. in the Brown wet smelly stuff well and truely!!!

(Also on a purely selfish basis, Im going to be out fundraising at a VERY BUSY petrol station that week-end! This will mean there are more customers go in to PANIC buy fuel and therefore more money will go in the bucket!!! ;))

>:(And as for you Iggy, stirring all this up!!!!! >:(

And as far as all the tree huggers are concerned.... they should go off and have another bowl of lentil gruel and leave us "normal" people to have a decent life!!! IF we raise the Co2 levels, the planet will warm up and I can too and get rid of this BL**DY man flu/cold thats been hanging around for ages! Pass me the lemsip & tissues!!!

I would like to state that certain parts of this post have been said with my tongue FIRMLY in cheek, tho the bit about shooting the messenger still stands!!!!

13-12-07, 09:41 AM
What me no I would never stir things up, I was just being friendly and letting you all know.