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12-08-08, 12:40 PM
Sounds like a rather eventful rideout ;D


12-08-08, 12:58 PM
Devizes of all places.

Could not of picked a better place to avoid the Police Copter ::) ;D ;D ;D

12-08-08, 01:11 PM
I wondered why the police helicopter was above him when I overtook him at 150mph (600's just get in your way sometimes) ;D

Kev (The only way I could get 150mph out of the MT-01 is to throw it out of a plane at 2000 feet)

12-08-08, 01:43 PM
Kev (The only way I could get 150mph out of the MT-01 is to throw it out of a plane at 2000 feet)[/quote]

Don't believe you ::) ::) ;D ;D

12-08-08, 01:46 PM
What can I say? Another reason for Tabloids to slam bikers!

12-08-08, 03:51 PM
If I remember rightly, it was reported in the local paper that he was nicked the following morning when the police went around to his house. They found his leathers which identified that he was the speeder. So the police chopper was`nt that much help really. ;D

12-08-08, 05:59 PM
Some forces aren't allowed to pursue, so he was unlucky...yeah right!!


12-08-08, 06:05 PM
He's just appeared on TV news 'ITV1 6pm'. Just starting a 15month jail sentence and 3 years ban!

12-08-08, 06:37 PM
all i have to say to that is what a silly man

12-08-08, 07:03 PM
Some peopl are just plain stupid! :o


12-08-08, 07:10 PM
Had he been in a car over the drink drive limit and had killed someone he would have just got 6 months.

12-08-08, 08:35 PM
ain't that the truth loudpipes, looked like he had the time but did not get the area quite right to do those speeds, well maybe they could have been a bit more leniant on him had he not been banned already. as for the helicopter, just goes to prove they are not as good as they think, it is a shame they did not show the unmarked cars colour and make for us all to watch out for!!

happy riding!!!

12-08-08, 08:55 PM
Complete idiot. Banned and uninsured - just one of many who injure and kill someone innocent. Cars or bikes these tw*ts should have part of their future earnings (assuming they have any) paid into a fund to support the families of rta victims.

12-08-08, 10:35 PM
He got 15 months, will probably only do half that though. Makes me laugh, they have banned him for 3 years, like that worked last time!
Its people like this that give bikers a bad name.

12-08-08, 10:43 PM
I agree Casshern, ars3holes like that give all bikers a bad name. Nothing wrong with a bit of speed in the write places but that's pushing his luck.
Its amazing no one was hurt when you consider people are killed at much less speeds than he was doing.

13-08-08, 09:32 AM
It's a shame he didnt come off and hurt himself!

13-08-08, 11:36 AM
Think ill be thinking twice when riding down cherhill...

Also saw some of calne on that ride.

Cherhill is so tempting as its just one long straight...

13-08-08, 01:19 PM
These 'people' need bigger punishments. We know he will probably do less than the full term inside and banning him won't make him stop, If he's already done it once.
Hopefully they will sell his bike or crush it.

We all have to pay to insure, service & tax our transport. Our insurance would be lower if they caught more of these tw*ats


13-08-08, 01:21 PM
Its a pity that he did not accidentally on purpose fall down his stairs when he was arrested. Guy is obviously pond life with a total disrespect to other people.

Enjoy your Porridge ;D ;D ;D ;D :'( :'(

13-08-08, 01:25 PM
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLDlJKNmXKg

13-08-08, 01:35 PM
What a cock (Dabz has a word filter on ;D )

13-08-08, 02:55 PM
Don't get me wrong I do not agree with what this rider did and he should get the book thrown at him. My point was bikers always seem to get twice the punishment of car drivers even those who cause accidents by drink driving.

13-08-08, 04:04 PM
Do bans ever work anyway? He'll probably come out of nick and jump right back on his bike again. Some people will never learn!!

13-08-08, 04:46 PM
Loudpipes your point is totally valid to the point of making the law look like an arse.

13-08-08, 05:35 PM
I'm just shocked he got such a punishment for something which in the end of the day didn't harm anyone else...

Even if you were to steal a car, crash it into a few things maybe even knock a few people down all you'd get is a few months in jail maybe and a driving ban.

20-08-08, 01:04 PM
I wondered why the police helicopter was above him when I overtook him at 150mph (600's just get in your way sometimes) ;D


Seriously though, the press made a big thing of the speed and the punishment, but not so much was made of the fact he was banned (had been for a long time), needed to take a retest and was of course uninsured.

Gives legal bikers a bad name really. I wonder if he even had a bike license before he was banned originally