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View Full Version : Fuel Still Dropping

25-10-08, 07:14 PM
Filled up for 96.9 in Westbury today, how come the fuel prices drop when riding opportunities lessen >:(

25-10-08, 09:37 PM
i know shambles but look on the bright side at least its cheap again ;)

25-10-08, 10:13 PM
only for the moment, with the credit cruch really starting to hit home, prices of everythign will rise (according to the news anyway) and I was told that OPEC (the people that control oil production) are telling their members to cut production to keep prices high!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhhh corperate greed! you know it makes me wonder if the people in charge are actually human beings, and understand they are making peoples lives a misery to make their company more money, the same people their advertising departments claim to be helping. Personally I think they are all retired politicians, who needed to get their fix of screwing people over on a daily basis!

27-10-08, 05:28 PM
Yes I had heard that they were slowing production and that the price will rise again soon, so I slapped a fulll tank in the TDI yesterday and then will drop a few pounds back into the Golf tonight, as the bike is still sat on 3/4 of a tank at the mo.

28-10-08, 08:26 AM
BP are expected to announce record profits today!! I wonder why?? >:(

30-10-08, 04:39 PM
Cos they is money grabbing bar stewards, thats why.....