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View Full Version : While my bikes off the road????

07-01-09, 12:03 PM
Hello all,

I am a new rider and this is my first winter as a bike owner.

Can anyone advise if I need to complete a SORN with the DVLA as my Tax is due at the end of Jan but I don't see any point in renewing it until the weather improves.

Also, can anyone tell me if there is an insurance policy which covers me for part of the year only, as it is expensive to insure yourself for a full 12 months when the bike is off the road for 1/4 of it.

Thanks and Happy New Year to you all.


07-01-09, 12:30 PM
You can sorn your bike on line http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/UntaxedVehicle/DG_4022058

You will have to speak to the insurance company about a change of policy I guess

07-01-09, 01:16 PM
Yes you will have to SORN it or otherwise it can be nasty with the DVLA and cops.

Yes you can get policy's that allow 6 month insurance you just have to shop about, but when I looked into years ago, it was like a few quid less than a years worth, so hence I am a year round rider.

07-01-09, 02:03 PM
and you never know in the winter...we get the odd nice day....like christmas day morning..i had a lovely ride out in my new leathers!

I couldnt copy with taking my bike off the road for 1/4 of the year as its nice to be able to ride it when I like...you can never tell with this weather!

07-01-09, 02:31 PM
Thanks all for your advice.

I will continue my insurance for the full 12 months, as it occurred to me that it could get nicked during the time it's not being riden and wont be covered.

And considering the tax costs £15 a year, I might as well pay it.

It was a stupid question really, when I think about it...... ::)

07-01-09, 07:14 PM
most insurance companies will drop cover to theft only for a few months over winter, i do mine and save a couple of hundred quid so worth it for me

07-01-09, 07:25 PM
Got to be worth talking to your Ins co about the options if you don't plan on riding it, but as has been said you do get quite good days in the winter. We were out on Christmas day and again on the icy Sunday afterwards too - we had the bruises and Ghost has a broken rib to prove it :o

I can't cope with not being able to get out when I want to. It's strange as long as I know I can go out when I want I'm happy but when I was unable to ride for a few months a couple of years ago I was really grumpy - just ask Dabz as I grizzled to him quite a bit about it at the time ;D


08-01-09, 08:45 AM
I use my car for work, but prefer using the bike evenings/weekends and like Honda star says you do get nice days over the winter period and it does help to keep the bike in a better condition. It's ok starting it in the garage but that won't do any favours for the bearings, condensation in the exhaust or brakes.



08-01-09, 03:48 PM
I can't cope with not being able to get out when I want to. It's strange as long as I know I can go out when I want I'm happy but when I was unable to ride for a few months a couple of years ago I was really grumpy - just ask Dabz as I grizzled to him quite a bit about it at the time ;D

quite a bit... lol :P it was a similar reaction to if someone had cut a leg off!

08-01-09, 06:17 PM
ok, so I grizzled an awful lot! :-[ :-*


08-01-09, 06:24 PM

09-01-09, 11:38 AM
if you take it off the road for a while, dont forget to "prep" it when you put it away, the battery may go flat if youve left it connected or if you have an alarm, so dont forget to charge it before you first ride it if its been a few months. dont forget to give it a good look over before you ride it, tyres may be flat, oil may have seeped out etc....
wash it/polish it, as the road salt will make any exposed metal look pretty scabby, and dont forget to tuck it up nice and warm... :-)