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13-02-09, 08:50 AM
They had on the news about making air jackets compulsary for bikers to wear.
Do they make chefs wear metal gloves in case they cut their fingers off. NO
Do they make car drivers retro fit air bags. NO
I wear what I choose to wear and I'm not having some Government git telling me what to do.

Kev >:(

13-02-09, 10:02 AM
Friday morning rant alert!

13-02-09, 11:03 AM
Sounds like a lot of Hot Air over nothing IMHO :P ;D ;D ;D [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

13-02-09, 12:38 PM
Well got if off my chest anyway. ;D
Happier now, soon be 5 o'clock

13-02-09, 01:47 PM
I've just woke up so no work for me!! But i'm not a fan at the idea of wearing a inflatable jackett!! imagine how long it would take to blow it up!!! ;D

18-02-09, 09:14 PM
according to the news it takes 0.5 of a second for it to inflate.

not sure what i want to be made to wear one, but if it could be proven that it saves lives...??

19-02-09, 12:55 AM
Big bag of bollox IMO

19-02-09, 08:36 AM
Big bag of bollox IMO

This might be a better option than air, as long as the bag is filled with ministers bollox ;D

19-02-09, 06:46 PM
Big bag of bollox IMO

This might be a better option than air, as long as the bag is filled with ministers bollox ;D

that is a better idea, stop the politicans breeding!! :)

21-02-09, 08:18 PM
What happens if it inflates whilst riding? They want to make all these kids on scooters where some protective clothes rather then t-shirts and shorts then start making bikers where silly life jackets

21-02-09, 09:40 PM
What happens if it inflates whilst riding? They want to make all these kids on scooters where some protective clothes rather then t-shirts and shorts then start making bikers where silly life jackets

Quite agree - they make me cringe! :o


22-02-09, 04:19 PM
As an airbag by its nature is sealed this will make for some pretty un-comfy and sweaty riding in the summer.

What happens when pop in the garage to fuel up and forget to unplug yourself from the bike?

It will not work if you collide onto a sharp.

I will not bother going on and suspect if these were any good the would already be in use on the racetrack.

23-02-09, 11:49 AM
It's just another gimic for the government to make make money on and say how well they have done to help bikers safety

01-03-09, 09:54 PM
What about the Goldwing with the Air Bag fitted???

02-03-09, 07:05 PM
I was pretty annoyed by the blatant pop the BBC news had at us with the slant of their coverage - basically saying "bikers are a liability, they need protecting from themselves" - how did they fill the slot? showing a stuntman who wore a full MX body armour top beneath the airbag jacket thing (what's up mate, no faith in it?) falling off a 125, and some youtube on-board footage of someone riding like a twat, pulling a big wheelie past a load of traffic, then interviewing an Asian guy with his fashion statement Ducati who broke his pelvis in a crash - don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Asians, though they're not a common sight on bikes outside London, nor Ducatis (apart from them getting the superbike rules re-written specifically for their advantage AGAIN - oops, sorry, bit of a rant there :-X) - the airbag thing is aimed at protecting the torso and internal organs, it wouldn't have saved his pelvis getting broken. Couldn't they have used some of the plentiful footage of people getting knocked off their bikes in SMIDSY incidents? The old bill and CCTV have enough of that stuff, that's where those jackets might help..
Moi? I'll stick to good leathers and a forcefield back protector thanks :)

03-03-09, 07:54 PM
Bump............... and another! bump :-?