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07-11-09, 11:38 AM
Had this Email concerning Byways around Stonehenge

Subject: Fw: TRO's - Stonehenge World Heritage Site


I have a few observations on the subject above and specifically the Statement of Reasons in said document.

I really have to object in the strongest possible terms about the content of this hugely biased document. It amounts to nothing less than yet another witch-hunt against motorised users of unsurfaced roads. This is a most disagreeable trend that is becoming more and more common as councils continue to abuse their powers and go against their declared policy, to the detriment of (some) legal users of byways.

Once again, the old chestnuts are being trotted out by the council and yourselves to try and justify closing perfectly acceptable Rights of Way that should be allowed to remain in use for the relatively few people who like to use them.

The most signifacant loss will be the byway from Larkhill across to Druids Lodge. This currently allows access from the byways of Salisbury Plain, to the areas around Salisbury and below, without having to use the busy main roads and the associated dangers of high volume road traffic.

According to the list of reasons, the Byways should be closed to: -

Improve the amenities of the area.
What complete garbage! I am not against the majority of the plans to improve the World Heritage Site, but I do NOT see how closing the the BYWAYS is going to do this. It most certainly will NOT improve the amenities of the area as far as trail riders are concerned !

Lead to a more tranquil experience for non motorised users.
We live in a very busy and overcrowded island where it is virtually impossible to achieve a "tranquil experience" anywhere ! For God's sake, the occasional small group of passing motorcycles do not have a devastating effect ! (Although I would agree that a group of 4x4's occasionally can and do. So impose a weight restriction, and allow motorcycles ).

Perceived threat from traffic.
That is all it is - perceived ! Where is the evidence to suggest that this threat is actually real?. Where are the figures to back this claim up? Has anyone actually been run over or struck ??????

Reduced visual intrusion.
So it is OK for a visual intrusion to be large farm tractors, horses, walkers, cyclists and now probably fleets of gaudy buses, but not, God forbid, a motorcycle !

Reduction in damage to the unsurfaced roads.
How? How is this going to be achieved if you are going to continue to allow horses, and large farm vehicles to use the byways???. In wet weather, a horse, or a large tractor will cause far more surface damage than a light, rubber shod motorcycle !

As I have said previously, I am not against all of the proposals, but I am extremely angry that once again, it is an excuse for the councils to blame a small group of users for everything in the countryside, and to impose draconian restrictions on them.
In virtually every document concerning the countryside, the only group of users who are never mentioned as legitimate users, are those that choose to enjoy it by mechanical means. It is as if we do not exist. Well we do, and we only have approximately 3% of the total Rights of Way network still available to us.

I am forced to believe that it is Government policy to eventually eliminate vehicles from all byways in the UK.


Vic Price - Wiltshire TRF

12-11-09, 04:23 PM
seems like they WANT us road legal offroaders to get motocross bikes with no tax, ticket or mot, and ride illegally......cos thats the only other option.................
