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View Full Version : Stiffer penalties

wiltshire builders
03-04-10, 03:34 PM
Last sunday riding into bath at a respectable 20-25 mph i had a BMW X5 pull out of a side street and right into my path. Luckily i was able to swerve into the empty bus lane. When i beeped the cheeky cow driving had the audacity to berate me. I am 100% sure she saw me as she was staring straight at me. What do we have to do to convince these people that if they hit us they will kill us? I'm already riding a bright green bike, headlight on and white helmet so it would appear her getting home 30secs quicker is more important than my life. There are rarely "accidents" on the road. Someone is always doing something deliberately wrong to gain some kind of advantage and they need to be held to account. This isn't an anti car thing either as i spend far more time on 4 wheels than i do on 2 but in the last 2 weeks i've already heard of 3 crashes that were caused by not being responsible. If someone doesn't see me fine. That is careless. If someone doesn't look or thinks f@ck it i'm going anyway then they need to have their license taken away.

03-04-10, 04:03 PM
What you do is stop and give the BMW wanker a talking to! That way they learn that they will be held accountable. If they don't agree break a mirror off....simples!!! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

They don't use the fecking things anyway!

03-04-10, 05:00 PM
Please don't take Finbar's joke seriously. Maybe someone really did that to them previously and that's why they've now got it in for all bikers.

Take their registration number and report them for dangerous driving - better still if you've got video so there's hard evidence; that's one of the reasons I always have my camera running. They'll probably only get a letter asking them to confirm who was driving the vehicle - the police aren't going to take it further without injury or witnesses - but that's enough to make them realise there are consequences to be faced and it'll stay on their record and be taken in to account if they have any incident in future. Also, a letter after the event might have a more sobering effect than a heated confrontation at the scene - and won't put you in further danger.

03-04-10, 05:26 PM
So let me get this right a driver attempts to use a car as an offensive weapon...and you get someone to write them a letter?...Ro you are so sweet sometimes! ;D GROUP HUG!!! ;)

03-04-10, 05:37 PM
If they attempted it once, they might attempt it again and be successful the second time. Your first priority should be your safety - seeking confrontation is not the way to go.

03-04-10, 05:44 PM
...and the letter will be telling them that they are facing 2 years imprisonment, an unlimited fine and a minimum obligatory driving ban of 1 year - if you have the evidence to make a dangerous driving charge stick, that's a much better result than getting done yourself for malicious damage.

03-04-10, 06:04 PM
...or assault... >:(

03-04-10, 07:20 PM
Genuinely, you will get drivers that appear to be looking at you, but still pull out. Their brains are conditioned into looking for cars, buses, trucks, etc. They are not looking for us, and as a consequence, pull out, even though they seem to be looking at us (they're looking through us). If you've got any doubt, sound your horn loud and long BEFORE they pull out. That way they can't claim they didn't hear you either (unless they are mutton). ::)

03-04-10, 07:31 PM
I have had to use my horn a lot more this year for some reason. My bike just seems to be invisible, its not as if it isn't big and bright enough!

That said I thought bikes could use the bus lanes in and around Bath, maybe the car driver was expecting you to be in the bus lane.

03-04-10, 09:09 PM
I have to say I had a case of bike rage after some idiot in a car nearly bombed my dad off his bike in front of me...I think I left the young driver under no illusion that he was in the wrong when I pulled up along side him and ranted at him through his open window at the lights! >:(

I do think that some drivers see us and take note (great) others simply don't see us for whatever reason (not so great) and the worse offenders see us and just think 'its only a bike' and don't give a damn.(they need shooting) >:(

03-04-10, 10:56 PM
One vote from Roxy me thinks [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Sad to say, but we as a species are high functioning chimps and as such if we feel safe we act with contempt (BMW X5 Safe), if we feel threatened we avoid/look out for....Bit sad but if a driver thinks they will be held to account they will not ignore bikes! As sure as chips are chips or in this case chimps are chimps. [smiley=thumbsup.gif] Love and peace [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Did I tell you I served in the scouts..in 'Ham' (Tottingham) I know it is not as impressive as working in GW's...but it make me feel manly! ;D


wiltshire builders
04-04-10, 11:05 AM
Please don't take Finbar's joke seriously. Maybe someone really did that to them previously and that's why they've now got it in for all bikers.

Take their registration number and report them for dangerous driving - better still if you've got video so there's hard evidence; that's one of the reasons I always have my camera running. They'll probably only get a letter asking them to confirm who was driving the vehicle - the police aren't going to take it further without injury or witnesses - but that's enough to make them realise there are consequences to be faced and it'll stay on their record and be taken in to account if they have any incident in future. Also, a letter after the event might have a more sobering effect than a heated confrontation at the scene - and won't put you in further danger.
Sound advice. If it makes just one driver stop and think it'll be worth it. Now where on the bike should i attach the note pad and pen......

04-04-10, 08:27 PM
I must say that having a go at somebody at the time does make you feel good, as I have done it and I have also taken my wrath out on cars before, but I do belive that in this day and age doing something like this can get you in more trouble than it is worth...

Take the robber that was breaking into somebodys house that fell through the glass roof of the conservatory and sued the house owner and won...

Take the robber's that got shot by that farmer after they broke into his house, they got him put away...

Now I am not saying bend over hold your ankles and KY Jelly up, but if you do do something watch your back.

05-04-10, 06:07 PM
Well, I'm fed up of cars thinking they can shove me off the road. I've never taken a wing mirror, but wouldn't mind trying it sometime. Like Finbar says, they don't use them anyway...

08-04-10, 08:22 AM
Use the horn.....

Drivers (and occasionally riders.... yep! one idiot pulled out on me) can be blind to vehicles travelling towards them because they are looking for movement. If somthing is travelling directly at them then the illusion is that it is not moving or moving slowly. This is compounded in the case of bikes (cycles as well as motorbikes) by the small size and frontal area.

A solution taught to me is to a- use the horn, and b- swerve a bit. This creates obvious movement and increases the likelyhood of being seen.

08-04-10, 06:57 PM
The recent road adverts for bikes has helped alot, I've found that the average UK driver double checks for bikes and has even been seen to pull over slightly when they're moving slowly allowing bikers to overtake safely (well I do anyway)

I've found that the biggest offenders, when on the road, are buses, young drivers, and (this will sound sexist) females in MPV's/4x4's.

We should all start riding round with great big neon signs, just like the advert [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

08-04-10, 07:40 PM
Good point Emlyn, as a biker you have to have a sixth sense, you have to be vigilant when aproaching junctions, I always cover the brakes, just in case! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

08-04-10, 07:47 PM
size 10 boot print in the wing will do it [smiley=thumbsup.gif] or stop in front of them block them from getting around you and drag them out the car they soon learn to look for bikes then ;)

Geordie Stu
09-04-10, 08:21 AM
I learn that never to look at the driver. I always look at the wheels as they don't lie. If they aren't moving then good.

Difficult to judge when your vurtually on top of them & have to take evasive action not good having to swerve into a Bus lane.

09-04-10, 08:21 AM
i got mowed over by an idiot in a car at traffic lights last year, he didnt wait for his turn signal and tried to jump the lights.....i got severe injuries il carry for the rest of my life and 5 brokn bones, the police decided to call it 50/50 !!! (so theres no point asking them for help!)....
and to top it all off the guy that did it was an "army driving trainer"!!!!! he teaches people how to drive!!!!!!...

if i could have got up off of the floor id have killed him.....
luckily for after the courtcase i have his name and address... ;-) might pop round and "ask him politely" why he did it......

car drivers dont care, end of!


09-04-10, 08:50 AM
If people can't see little old 6'5" 300lb me on a 1700cc bike with it's lights on then they shouldn't be driving. If I ever get knocked off and still have the ability to get up, god help them and there car.

09-04-10, 01:11 PM

I know its no consolation, but I get cars pulling out on me when I'm on a response run, with blues and two's going. I had one car the other day try to overtake the car in front that had seen me coming up from behind at a fair rate of knots and had slowed down and pulled to the side. Needless to say he got a blast on the air horn and had I not been going to a serious incident he would have got a taste of my best sarcasm and a lesson in rear view mirrors and what they are designed for. lol

Jaydee, I'm sorry my colleagues weren't very helpful. It may be that there wasn't any independent witnesses to corroborate your account and without corroboration it is difficult to prove beyond reasonable doubt, therefore no chance of proving it at court.

These days, certainly were there are injuries concerned, albeit minor, and there is evidence of bad driving, then we look to send the offending driver on a driver improvement scheme. Far better to re-educate rather than punish in my view and the feedback from people who have attended is positive.

09-04-10, 02:25 PM
Also to add, whilst the police are interested in dangerous driving or driving without due care and attention (if they can make it stick), they are not the least bit interested in civil liability, so don't expect any help on that score and to be fair, it's not what they are there for.

09-04-10, 04:51 PM
Maybe the TV ads are having an effect, I've noticed a lot of car drivers being very courteous today, and making a point of giving me space as I approach from behind (hehe... ;)) - and I ALWAYS acknowledge their efforts with a wave [smiley=thumbsup.gif] Of course there are always the usual idiots that we can rely on, normally driving a large German-made saloon, never expect these f*ckers to pull out of the way or vacate the outside lane for you >:(