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View Full Version : Expect the unexpected

05-05-10, 11:46 AM
Riding along sensibly looking for a safe overtake spot...... a nice clearing ahead, give a life saver, steady smooth pull out and.. this pheasant takes a stroll across the road! Could have been a nasty moment there! Ride safe and expect the unexpected! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

05-05-10, 11:57 AM
Got hit in the head by one on the way back from Thruxton, saw it go into the hedge then it did a u-turn and launched, I ducked (no pun) but it still glanced off my head. Luckily my lad who was pillion thought I was looking at something on the road so he looked down too! Otherwise it would have hit him straight in the face!!
Not as bad as the Deer that nearly had me off on the Lyneham road at about 3 in the morning doing, ahem, 70!!!!
Beware of wildlife :o
Stu 8-)

05-05-10, 06:56 PM
Ghost is one for the birds! He once killed a wood pigeon while - um - making progress - had to clean his leathers off afterwards! ;D
Last year he did an emergency stop, bent or should that read straightened the brake lever on his triple and bruised his hand by hitting a seagull! Stayed on both times!

Don't talk to me about Deer - I killed one with a Bonneville a few years ago - I still don't recall doing it.. or the air ambo trip afterwards! :o the bruises were wonderful colours! 8-)