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View Full Version : A338 to Poole - LOOSE CHIPPINGS WARNING!

21-06-10, 11:56 AM
Anyone going to Poole tomorrow should beware going on the A338 to Downton from Salisbury, the IDIOTS in charge have decided to waste even more tax payers money on loose chippings ( i HATE loose chippings)....
beware! keep that bike upright and stone chip free.....

21-06-10, 02:10 PM
Why do they insist on sticking with those loose chippings?

They do next to nothing apart from damaging cars, making bikes unstable and trying to impale bikers & cyclists with razor sharp stones.

An absolute waste of money. Does anyone know of a road that these chippings have actually improved? I certainly don't. Winds me up a treat it does.

21-06-10, 02:35 PM
They throw them on a roughly scraped road, and expect us to push them into the top layer! all that happens is trucks come along and push them in, making grooves as bad as before....
then the first frost comes along and it all peels away anyway!
fooooookin waste of money!

21-06-10, 02:40 PM
that does my head in - like has been said above all it achieves is covering cars with tar spots and stone chips, and as I've said in another thread..he cars bedin two tyre track and bikes get stuck on the loose middle of the lane. Dont see why we can't have proper road surfaces like in other countries instead of this crap!

21-06-10, 02:48 PM
no word filter on the word C R A P ????...... :o ;)

21-06-10, 02:54 PM
Don't start with the word filter again for the love of all things northern ;D

21-06-10, 07:36 PM
Many years ago whilst riding my K2 750 Honda I was negotiating a bend when I hit those chippings mid-corner. Managed to stay on the bike, but I was one irrate biker. The local council informed me that a sign was in place giving ample warning (don't know where it went). If I wanted to slide about on my bike I'd take up ice speedway. Hate those chippings. Rant over.

21-06-10, 09:07 PM
That's the British way - as cheap and nasty as possible >:( you'd think that they'd spend a little more of the tens of billions that they make from road users in fuel duty, VAT, car tax and vehicle excise duty on the roads, but the roads only see a small fraction of all that booty, the rest goes to fund benefit scroungers, merchant banks, George W Bush's f*cking war, and bloody students! >:( >:( >:( At least none of it goes on paying England's football team..
And another thing.... ;)

21-06-10, 11:00 PM
just to add to that

A37 at Shepton Mallett, road has been dressed with chippings.

A38 at Puriton (just north of Bridgwater) - A long stretch of loose stuff.

go steady out there folks.

21-06-10, 11:06 PM
And the A338 from Great Shefford towards J14 of the M4 >:( >:( >:( (as those heading back that way after the Ace Cafe run last weekend may have noticed)

22-06-10, 09:15 PM
Went through it Sunday afternoon when they were still laying the rubbish >:(

23-06-10, 12:25 PM
came back that way last night and it wasnt toooooooooooo bad, but the truck slots are noticeable already.........

23-06-10, 02:58 PM
Loose chippings are the cheap option to prolong the serviceable life of a road surface. After applying the chippings the correct signage should be displayed and the surface should be swept by the contractor. However the frequency for sweeping the road is one based on as to whether it is deemed "reasonable". That said, if you believe it is a danger to two wheeled traffic, inform the Highway Authority, start with Wiltshire CC on their Clarence free 'phone number. Make a note of the name of the person dealing with the call and/or reference number If out of office hours, inform the Wiltshire Constabulary. If damage to the bodywork is caused by chippings you will be palmed off with either you should pursue a claim against the other road user speeding over the surface, or you were riding too close to the traffic in front. Which brings you back to the frequency of the road surface being swept, if you can show it was inadequate, you are more likely to be successful in any claim made. The contractor should have records of this which will be made available to the Highway Authority. A long convoluted process.