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View Full Version : That Nail in the tyre.....

31-10-10, 03:41 PM
So yesterday i patiently (not really) sat in my garage pulling a bloody inch long nail out of my tyre. when it eventually came out there didnt seem to be any air excaping. Poured the soapy water on etc. Nothing.

The nail had gone diagonal across the tyre. Checked the pressure this morning and no change. So happy days. But....

what ya reckon?

31-10-10, 03:47 PM
Might be a slow puncture - most common with modern tyres. Espacially motorcycle ones with steel lining replacing innertubes.

Just keep an eye on pressures - pressures are the only thing that kills a tyre.

31-10-10, 03:53 PM
Yea could just b a slow puncture, if the weight of the bike is on the tyre for a while you may find it goes down faster, but if it dont seem to change in pressure much you could always get some tyre gunk to be on the safe side

31-10-10, 07:12 PM
go easy till your sure its not a slow puncture, if no puncture should be fine. :)

01-11-10, 06:28 AM
Nelly for piece of mind you could take it to someone who can check the inside for you like Jaydee or Bike Aid I'm sure someone will give you a proper check and assure you for a tenner or so

01-11-10, 07:52 AM
I'd have it checked and possibly tubed. It could be fine stationatry, but at speed it could let go.