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02-07-11, 09:55 PM
I am suffering with tingly fingers and numb hands when I ride. My GP advises its classic carpal tunnel syndrome.

I am trying to put off the inevitable surgery until Nov/Dec.

Does anyone else suffer from this or have had the surgery ?

wiltshire builders
02-07-11, 10:19 PM
Adjust your levers before getting surgery. Less painful.

02-07-11, 10:37 PM
if you've got carpal tunnel then don't put off getting it treated too long, if its only a minor issue then they can usualy treat it with steroids, but if not then if you ignore it too long it can mean you will lose all feeling in your hand permenantly. Had a friend who put it off and put it off and now has no feeling in his right thumb, index and middle fingers. The op is very minor and as far as I remember it only take a few weeks before you can get back working, can be less depending on what you do! Its a very common condition and is such an easy fix that it isn't worth avoiding!

03-07-11, 10:03 AM
The high frequency vibes of a In Line four will cause that aswell,i had a new Thundercat and anything below 5K rpm made my fingers tingle especially riding at low speeds ie in towns etc.but never had a problem on M ways over 5K.
Iv always had large single or rode twins before that and now ride a 850 twin and i never had problems before or now with numbness because they produce Low frequency vibes.
However since riding bikes from 1966 it has taken its toll on my right hand with wrist ache going upto my elbow and index finger locks up sometimes at the middle joint(twisting throttle and using front brake) eg like trigger finger.
Yes riding bikes is good for the soul but not good on your body parts.You could try changing lever positions as suggested or has i did with the Thundercat ride in a lower gear with higher 5Krpm for towns etc Sold the Cat after 12months had enough of the vibes

03-07-11, 10:08 PM
Hi guy's,its not just vibratations to consider,its also to do with the weight you exert onto your wrists when you ride. Try squeezing your tank(with your knees),or stomp grips may help to take the weight off your wrists when you ride,don't wear tight gloves,buy a more 'upright bike' not a sports bike if you are ageing a bit :-) I am but I still can't give up the 'sports' bike bit.
I have tried all of these but still suffer on my 2000 r1 ::)
It might not be 'Carpal' you may just be getting older!

03-07-11, 10:28 PM
Mine is 'Classic' carpal tunnel according to my GP & Physiotherapist.

Changing from a Ducati with its very heavy clutch gave me an extension of about 18 months. I now ride a BMW K1300S, not exactly race focused but not sit up and beg either.

Im not really ready to change yet, if I do I would consider a GS1200

03-07-11, 10:45 PM
Its all to do with vibrations and weight and how they are transmitted through a source, ie your arms surley?
:)......Or could be carpal...

03-07-11, 10:52 PM
weight on wrists is a problem but its made worse when the wrist is twisted. Moving the levers can help, but not in my case as I have already looked into it.

I have tried a splint and are having physio and just started the exercises again.

I dont want to change bikes, but if thats what I need to do to continue riding so be it.

Seeing my GP on the 11th so will make some decisions then

03-07-11, 11:06 PM
I can sit for miles with my fingers on top of my levers made no difference to my numbness ,it is all vibration and weight for me.Good luck with that fellah.... :'(

04-07-11, 05:59 PM
Had a numbness problem on my R1 when i first got it,brought some new gloves that fit and dont have any trouble any more,but my feet get pins and needles.

04-07-11, 06:37 PM
I had surgery on my right wrist about 12 years ago, I had the same symptoms as YMFB, numbness and pins and needles, being a welder, it was a real problem as I couldn't hold my welding torch for very long.
After the op I have had no problem since, completely cured, I now have the same problem with my left wrist, especially when riding the bike, guess I'll have to get it sorted soon. My advice mate is to get it operated on as soon as poss, It's done under local anaesthetic and you are home the same day.
When I had mine done I was in a bandage for 3 weeks, then when the stitches were removed you're good to go. :) :)

04-07-11, 08:25 PM
toph, thats very encouraging and I dont want to put it off any longer than necessary, if the GP says I shouldnt wait until the winter then I will get it done after the summer hols.

05-07-11, 07:23 AM
if it turns out to be vibration related, is there an option for larger, heavier bar end weights? this alters the frequency of the vibrations through the bars and may put it at a different pitch, allowing you to be virtually vibe free at the normal speeds you go at.
might be worth experimenting with, how about the large heated grips? they have a bit more cushioning....

05-07-11, 08:50 PM
I have tried grip puppies, which were widely recommended on a BMW forum, but they haven't helped.

They haven't stopped the heated grips working and I have tried riding with them on :( no help