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View Full Version : One down in Bath

29-09-11, 07:58 AM
Hope it's no-one on here.

BMW motorcycle had gone over the bonnet of a car at the end of the bus lane on London Road in Bath. Rider was on a streacher, but was talking to the paramedics.

Go careful peeps.

29-09-11, 05:56 PM
Went past this on my way in too, hope the rider is okay.

A work colleague was about 4 cars in front when it happened, but didn't actually see it so was no good as a witness - just in case, as everyone knows how it's always the biker at fault... ::)

wiltshire builders
29-09-11, 08:12 PM
As soon as I saw this thread I thought "bus lane on the London road"
It is sooooo dangerous.
Cars pull out from the left ingoring the bus lane and pull up to the driving lane.
Another scenario is a car in the driving lane will let someone from the opposite lane turning right through and they again ignore the bus lane and head straight for their junction. Had a few near misses and seen 2 taxis get hit too.

29-09-11, 08:30 PM
Hope the guy or gal is ok! X :-/

29-09-11, 09:15 PM
All the best to the rider!

30-09-11, 11:40 AM
I saw the bike on the pavement there yesterday morning and thought it looked odd.
Thanks for the reminder - I was very careful this morning.
It's one of those places it isn't appropriate to do the speed limit even though it's a 30.

Hope the rider is not badly hurt.