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View Full Version : Scrubbers Leathers - leathers/textiles cleaning

23-11-11, 07:41 PM
Im going to send my leathers away to scrubbers soon so they're good as new for next season. Just wondering if anyone else wants to send their up with mine so we can combine postage at the least and negotiate a discount at the best.

For those who don't know them, these guys properly clean motorcycle clothing and make it good as new. Think Nooj-for-clothes :p

Prices: http://www.scrubbersleathers.co.uk/price.html

Of anyone is interested stick your name below - if we get a fair few then we may get a decent discount

24-11-11, 05:52 PM
Don't forget to mention The Bike Experience 8-)

I have a couple of sets that need a good clean...

Scotty (2)

24-11-11, 08:50 PM
Would like to, but have to get some printing done and get some more stock together first, so don't wait for me.

Think Nooj-for-clothes :p
Awesome, thanks dude :D