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View Full Version : why vans, just why

12-03-12, 11:15 PM
TBH i am kind of amazed that some truck drivers are so blind, can they like, take their blindfolds off their frickin eyes -.-

13-03-12, 07:31 AM
Not a rant against vans but trucks then? I assume a trucker has upset you somehow? If you want to upset a trucker call him a van driver ;D

Generally I find truck drivers pretty good - provided I ensure they can always see me. It's the old thing with a truck - if you can't see their mirrors, then they can't see you. Not to mention it's a big old weight to get rolling and a lot of momentum to stop so they can get pissy if you get in their way. Having said that, like any group they are not all perfect :D

Van drivers? different kettle of fish :P

So what happened?


13-03-12, 07:59 AM
First rule of defensive riding.... assume all other road users are out to kill you....

13-03-12, 10:41 AM
I like my van :-)

13-03-12, 10:53 AM
I like my van, it carries my bikes around for me :)

13-03-12, 11:57 AM
I like my van and being a biker I always drive it with respect and consideration for other road users Especially Bikers !!!

wiltshire builders
13-03-12, 01:27 PM
Well are you going to tell us 'why' then or what?

Geordie Stu
13-03-12, 06:05 PM
On my way to Cardiff along the A46. 3 wagons all the drivers using mobiles >:(

13-03-12, 07:04 PM
On my way to Cardiff along the A46. 3 wagons all the drivers using mobiles >:(

Plenty of any sort of driver doing the same on any road. Of course you can't tell if a biker is using his blue tooth or not inside his helmet... ::)


13-03-12, 10:52 PM
i meant a van soz, i was driving in a bus lane alongside a tipper van and a turning came up on the left. didnt even indicate just pulled straight across and smacked into me. i cant believe there was no damage to me or the bike except for a couple of scratches.

14-03-12, 07:10 AM
Phew, lucky you only had scratches :o
As has been said before - assume everyone is out to get you until proven otherwise and don't forget - I know you are allowed - but driver would have glanced in mirror for a bus and a bike is a lot smaller to see.

Take care out there :)

wiltshire builders
14-03-12, 10:26 AM
You were lucky there. same thing happened to a mate, broken leg, dislocated shoulder and a wrecked RSV mille factory. Never ride alongside another vehicle, get past and get seen asap. Bus lanes are a nightmare. Glad you're ok.