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View Full Version : Think Bike Advert

16-03-12, 02:41 PM
For thse who haven't seen it.

I think this is a great ad....


16-03-12, 03:23 PM
Good advert makes people think there is a person on that bike with families etc.

16-03-12, 06:41 PM
Love it! ;D


16-03-12, 06:46 PM
Great ad!
I think all that neon would drain the battery though!! :D ;D ;D

Geordie Stu
16-03-12, 07:54 PM
SMIDSY.....! ;D

17-03-12, 10:01 AM
Nice 8-)

17-03-12, 11:54 AM
I like it, its makes people think that actually people that ride bikes are human beings... ;D

Its makes people think we all have a personalality and I have always thought the general public think that all bikers are idiots and horrible people but actually we arnt. I think only a handfull of bikers are idiots. Ive seen a few and am sure everyone else has but they put a bad name out their for us.

This advert is bold and loud and makes people to check the road properly before they pull out...

Its a good thing, I do think this advert should have been done years ago.

17-03-12, 12:14 PM
It was done years ago, they've just re-aired it!
Like the fact that all the motorway signs say think bike when not in use for other messages.

17-03-12, 04:41 PM
Not sure wot site it is but you can get a free "think bike" car sticker that is linked to this advert

19-03-12, 10:14 AM
We have had the posters for this plastered on the walls at work for the past 2 years and people still don't look out for bikes!

19-03-12, 10:22 AM
I think it's a really bad advert actually and wont make any difference whatsoever. It seems very 70's to me.

19-03-12, 12:25 PM
Not sure about the advert but I know some of the people I work with have said to me that they do look out for bikes more as there are at least 2 of us who ride bikes there and they think of us.......
I personally look out for bikes (with or without engines) ever since my moment with Nick (who used to work for Mark Able)....I hadnt even done my CBT then but it certainly heightened my awareness of other road users. (If you dont know the story I might tell you one day...when Im able to not go red) :o :o ::) ::)

19-03-12, 01:53 PM
Just upset they say just Kev right at the end and not Big Kev

We'll all be dressing like a character out of Tron soon