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29-06-12, 05:24 PM
This guy has gone to extremes and done his own website to find his bike.


29-06-12, 06:44 PM
3 little fockers.

Such a shame that even with all that evidence and footage, the police can't catch the 'tards.

I would be crying if that had happened to me :'(

29-06-12, 06:50 PM
Reading... pretty much all the comments, on that site, i can see it not being too long before people start taking matters into their own hands more. I am aware of several incidents of people dealing out "vigilante justice" as they like to call it (AKA dragging the little s**t bags into the back of a van, beating the living crap out of them and then leaving them on the pavement). I'm sure a lot of people will be much more reserved than that but its the way a lot of things like this will be heading soon IMHO.

I'm not blaming the Police, they are so over busy and so bound in red tape they can do almost nothing without being sued for it or having disciplinary action made against them. Not a good position to be in tbh.

29-06-12, 07:19 PM
wanking little twoccers, when will society bred out this mentality

29-06-12, 07:58 PM
I think a lot of people have given up on the police, reporting a crime is too much hassle nowadays and nothing happens about it anyway :-/

29-06-12, 08:28 PM
Im amazed with all the footage and clear pictures they still haven't found them, if i recognized any of them, it would be time for a home visit >:(

29-06-12, 09:50 PM
twocers just grit my s*** >:(

29-06-12, 09:58 PM
It's Lahndun, bikes get nicked every day, Google 'Jimmy Tan' the thieving little sh1te, him and his crew are still running round.

http://www.google.co.uk/search?rlz=1C1GGGE_en-gbGB475GB475&aq=0&oq=jimmy+tan+bik&sugexp=chrome,m od=17&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=jimmy+tan+bike+thief

30-06-12, 12:40 AM
If you bike was to be stolen wouldn't it be nice to catch the thieves actually in the process of trying to steal your bike [smiley=evil.gif]

30-06-12, 07:30 AM
If you bike was to be stolen wouldn't it be nice to catch the thieves actually in the process of trying to steal your bike [smiley=evil.gif]

In theory yes, in practise no - a cornered thief could turn nasty

30-06-12, 07:35 AM
It's 'Jimmy Tan' the thieving little sh1te, him and his crew are still running round.

not any more he aint! (http://www.standard.co.uk/news/shoppers-who-foiled-city-robbers-praised-by-judge-6576476.html) sentence isn't long enough for a c8nt like that >:(

30-06-12, 09:52 AM
If you bike was to be stolen wouldn't it be nice to catch the thieves actually in the process of trying to steal your bike [smiley=evil.gif]

In theory yes, in practise no - a cornered thief could turn nasty
So can I :)

30-06-12, 10:07 AM
It's 'Jimmy Tan' the thieving little sh1te, him and his crew are still running round.

not any more he aint! (http://www.standard.co.uk/news/shoppers-who-foiled-city-robbers-praised-by-judge-6576476.html) sentence isn't long enough for a c8nt like that >:(

There's dozens waiting to take his place, if i was riding into that there Lahndun, i'd sure as hell chain my bike to something, maybe disc lock, deffo alarm, this 675 looks to have nothing, bit silly don't you think?

30-06-12, 11:31 AM
yep but he argued he was only gonna be at work for 10 mins, no excuse tho, i lock mine even when popping into my parents for two mins and it's on the drive!

30-06-12, 12:21 PM
I noticed that Dan, even when you popped into mine mate! Doesn't matter how long you are leaving it, it only takes 30 seconds if they know what they are doing. Plenty have been stolen at petrol stations because the rider has left their key in the ignition.

30-06-12, 07:26 PM
the ansrew ::: re wire your bike I do, ill give you the keys and you still cant take it 8-)

sure at some point it can be figured out but the time missing around, I dont us locks steering locks are a waste of time, and if one of these &^*£ try and take your bike the mess thats left ......
It did look like a nice office, did they have a security gaurd or even half the security on the parking area (no gates)
but ha ho the bike is gone >:(

01-07-12, 10:09 AM
If you bike was to be stolen wouldn't it be nice to catch the thieves actually in the process of trying to steal your bike [smiley=evil.gif]

In theory yes, in practise no - a cornered thief could turn nasty

people like this use fear to make people not corner them.......yet alot of the time if you were to corner them they would SH!! themselves.

i wouldn't recommend it unless your able to handle yourself

01-07-12, 10:20 AM
Agree only corner the ****wit if you can put them down, otherwise you could end up worse off. After reading this i've adapted how its parked at night and now impossible to ride off, could still be wheeled away if the locks get defeated but not started.

Yes Senna, i always lock it mate :)

01-07-12, 10:23 AM
buy a dog.........large one.

few years back some low life tried to nick my mates bike in the early hours.

the bloke didnt notice the dog house opposite the bike.

he got flattened by a 13stone mastiff. ;D

01-07-12, 10:26 AM
Used to own two rottweillers and had the only house in a 6 house block that never got burgled (and no it wasn't me on the rob!) big dog or a big dog sign ;D

01-07-12, 10:30 AM
dogs rule.

had a bailiff stick his foot in the door (the ballif was for a previous tenant)

even after i proved my ID he tried to enter the house.

i opened the door and my akita came through....one bark and a very deep growl. he changed his mind ;D

Geordie Stu
01-07-12, 11:18 AM
Let's hope they catch them. Unlikely to see his bike again. >:(

01-07-12, 01:34 PM
Id cry and wack them with my crutches! That will tell tham!

01-07-12, 09:10 PM
If you bike was to be stolen wouldn't it be nice to catch the thieves actually in the process of trying to steal your bike [smiley=evil.gif]

In theory yes, in practise no - a cornered thief could turn nasty

people like this use fear to make people not corner them.......yet alot of the time if you were to corner them they would SH!! themselves.

i wouldn't recommend it unless your able to handle yourself
I've been practising Karate-Do Shotokai for about 4.5 years so I'd do my best to stop the scumbag from taking my bike

03-07-12, 01:53 PM
Some of you already know from my facebook & previous post, I had my Beemer nicked off the drive 10 days ago. :-[ :-[ :-[ My bike was safely tucked away, disc locked & behind my bolted garage door. Thankfully they didn't get that too. Wucking FANKERS.
I still cried. :'(

03-07-12, 02:59 PM
They should do what they do in " More Civilized Countries " and cut their hands off when they find them !!! >:(

03-07-12, 03:05 PM
They should do what they do in " More Civilized Countries " and cut their hands off when they find them !!! >:(

Just the right hand should do the trick.

03-07-12, 03:14 PM
They should do what they do in " More Civilized Countries " and cut their hands off when they find them !!! >:(

or something smaller and slightly lower....