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15-02-13, 11:53 PM
not sure how many of you have seen this but i've just read it and find myself rather frustrated at our 'justice' system..


16-02-13, 12:01 AM
I read it yesterday. Absolutely disgusted with the outcome. If it was one of us driving we would be behind bars right now. The justice system is just as corrupt and thieving as the government. This is my opinion.

16-02-13, 12:22 AM
Nothing new, one rule for them......

wiltshire builders
16-02-13, 10:27 AM
You think they'd make an example of her.

16-02-13, 06:34 PM
Totally senseless, it didn't say if she had been sacked as a special constable for lying! >:(

17-02-13, 12:36 AM
You think they'd make an example of her.
They did they let everyone know that they are above the law

17-02-13, 07:09 AM
This is disgraceful!
Knowone can defend this - it's a clear case of distraction and she should have been charged with causing death by dangerous driving. The law is pretty clear - it has been proved that she was using her phone during her whole journey therefore she should get the book thrown at her. A custodial sentence should have been applied.

My sympathies to his family & friends.

17-02-13, 06:10 PM
I just hope their is more to this case than is being made public.

It astounds me the number of people that still use mobiles when driving amazing we dont see more accidents like this really.

No one seems to think about what they are doing when they chat away on the phone, and the Police just dont seem that interested in stopping people.

I feel so very sorry for the family and friends of this innocent person killed.

17-02-13, 06:23 PM
If report is correct (and we all know that unbiased reporting is not the norm) then this is outrageous. Using a mobile while driving seriously affects concentration and should have the same penalty as drink driving.
This was a perfect opportunity to send a message, unfortunately the authorities have chosen the wrong message.
My deepest sympathies to family and friends of the deceased, a needles tragedy :(

18-02-13, 03:54 PM
If report is correct (and we all know that unbiased reporting is not the norm) then this is outrageous. Using a mobile while driving seriously affects concentration and should have the same penalty as drink driving.
This was a perfect opportunity to send a message, unfortunately the authorities have chosen the wrong message.
My deepest sympathies to family and friends of the deceased, a needles tragedy :(

+1. Could not agree more.

18-02-13, 07:09 PM
I am in no way defending this decision, just pointing out that using a mobile phone hands-free is currently not an offence in itself.
My views on this are well documented in the WB archives.

There is increasing researched evidence which points to the fact that conversing in conversation requires a greater level of concentration from the human brain than holding an object. Therefore, based on the numerous articles I have read on this subject, I have formed the opinion that whether it is a hand-held or hands-free device being used, engaging in conversation with someone on the other end of a phone is a huge distraction whilst driving.

Perhaps it’s time the current law was revisited by the legislators.

06-03-13, 09:22 AM
http://www.visordown.com/motorcycle-news--general-news/fatal-crash-special-constable-resigns/22424.html. See update on this story, she resigned, bless her, why wasn't she sacked!!!!

06-03-13, 09:23 AM

11-03-13, 09:03 AM
Good to see the police challenging the CPS's decision not to press charges, a bike solicitors have offered to take the case for free and have not ruled out a private action.

Good Luck!!

12-03-13, 01:33 PM
They need to be trained as well as real police officers, specials are only cheap labour. She should have been jailed htere is no excuse