Quote Originally Posted by Uber Dave View Post
Right I am going to bite here. Its called a deterrant for a reason, just because we have never used them doesnt mean we do not need them. Other countries aside in terms of what they are and are not developing, trident means we keep a permanant seat on the UN Security council and maintain a veto right. Give up Tridant, give up that right.

Not only that the countries who are actively seeking to develop nuclear capability (Iran and North Korea are the two big ones) are the exact reason we need to keep it. Its not so much the state we need to consider, but the ability for a group such as ISIS to capture and use it for their own reasons. The ability to strike first in a situation like this should not be given up under any circumstances as the alternative wouldnt be worth living for.
Anyone who seriously thinks we can afford to get rid of the nuclear deterrant to save a tiny bit of money in the schem of things to spend on who knows what must live with their head in the clouds and has no real understanding of a far far bigger picture.
The bigger picture, would therefore to be to scrap nuclear weapons worldwide, no? No-one is going to use them, bar the odd nutjob organisation, so why does the developed world build something it has no use for? Policing the nutjob states that try to develop them on the side, would be another matter.