I wasnt engaging the clutch properly. I didnt have it all the way it, I have just took it for another spin and Fing loved it! Not clunky or anything, no rear locking. And i did a U turn!

I am not an experienced rider by any means, I passed my test in 2011 and had a ninja 250 got rid after 6 months due to knee problems, then 6 months later saved for an XVS250 which had tones of mechanical faults, got it in October last year didnt ride it for ages put 280 miles on it due to these faults. Got rid of the xvs 3 months ago then got this one. Its riding position is better than the Ninja. I am not planning on getting it derestricted for some time.

I need to get used to it all over again.

Just came home smiling my face off! I really loved that ride, just changed how I was riding a little bit. My breaking is fine just the clutch control wasnt....