In a word Dennis, er, no.

For those who won't be partaking in the training event at Combe there's a wee mantra you can repeat to yourself - JFLI.... Just Fecking Lean It. Modern bikes have heaps of ground clearance, better suspension and far better tyres than the stuff that I originally rode in the late 70s and 80s, and while I have the benefit of having raced and ridden on track for over 20 years now, it's a good lesson to learn if enthusiasm gets the better of ability (or perception). If you overdo it and end up barreling into a corner faster than you would like to, try to resist the obvious temptation to grab a big handful of brake - under heavy braking you can't turn so you're probably going to crash by running on - on a left-hander you'll cross the path of oncoming traffic, on a right-hander you'll head into the hedge. It's a split second decision but if you just lean it harder than you've ever dared to before you'll probably make it. You will need to pull over and have a strong word with yourself, and it's better to avoid getting into that predicament in the first place by riding within your limits, but it's a useful trick to call upon if you are ever in need....

If the Police do any Roadsafe days, they're really worth attending (I hope I've got that right, please correct me if I've misnamed it)