
Thread: Personel - sorry peeps.

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  1. Personel - sorry peeps. 
    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    I have been in and out of various medical institutions over the past 6 months. At the last lot of blood tests I was referred to the haemophilia dept of the BRI. They'd found a strange protein which can lead to blood cancer (a condition known as MGUS).

    I went back in today for a final check up and was told that after several sections had analysed matters that it was minimal and very little risk.

    My fractured spine is improving very, very slowly but still I have a miniscule hope of ever getting on a bike again

    I would thank all you regulars for your excellent junction marking (bar one !) and great comradeship. I miss it enormously and have so many very happy memories. Was a huge part of my life while it lasted.

    Hope to see some of you again sometime and I wish you all safe and pleasant riding.

    I only have one vice…I lie.

    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    West Wilts
    Aw, Larry, So sorry to hear this and sorry to hear about your last six months too, but good to hear there is little risk of the MGUS developing.
    Thank you for the support you have given WB over the years.
    Take care of yourself, your profile will remain open should you wish to return to the forum.
    All the best
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Cheers m'dear for the very kind thoughts. Can't even drive an automatic car or get on a bus or walk to the shop at the mo. Waiting for more improvement but am considering a mobility scooter. Fed up with living in one room (alone) for many months.
    I only have one vice…I lie.

    Senior Member
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    Jun 2016
    Larry - Hope things start to improve for yo now, good to hear there is little risk from the results. I have to say some of the rideouts led by still stick in my mind, the weather always seemed better back then as well. Keep posting on the forum, it's good to keep in contact.

    Will see if I have a pic from one of the rideouts

    All the best
    Last edited by Dazr; 13-09-23 at 10:16 PM.

    Senior Member
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    Jun 2016
    I can't seem to add a pic....
    Last edited by Dazr; 13-09-23 at 10:21 PM.

    Senior Member Trev_P's Avatar
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    Sep 2017
    Sorry to hear Larry but its good that part of you is on the mend in a measurable way and the other is encouraging.
    I will miss you leading of those magical mystery tours, you know the ones where you "got lost"....
    Maybe we could have a ride out with you on your mobility scooter I've seen them in Asda they rip round at about 60mph at least it seems that way.

    "I can't seem to add a pic...."
    I have the same issue, had it for over a year now so just given up.
    If Voting Made a Difference, They Wouldn’t Let Us Do It


    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    'Lost' ? Moi ?

    Cheers Trev....Gonna be at least 3 months...still hopeful but only 5 %
    I only have one vice…I lie.

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that Larry, at least the docs are seeing you and that's one possible problem that, hopefully, you can put to the back of your mind. And the spine is going in the right direction, albeit very slowly. My Dad has had stenosis of the lower spine for nearly 20 years and other conditions meant he could not be operated on to correct it. The pain ebbs and flows from bearable to very bad, so much so that he spends several days or even weeks in a wheel chair. He went for a mobility scooter when my Mum passed a few years ago and it made a huge difference to him, he too was a biker when younger and he said it actually gave him a tiny feeling of being back on a bike again, that sense of getting some of his freedom back. I can recommend it from that experience.

    Very best wishes - Trev

    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hey Burbs, sorry to hear of your continuing woes. But as others have said, after the fright, nothing sinister was found. Gotta be good news
    I was talking with DC about your Welsh epics just t’other day & we were remembering them fondly
    Did you have a written plan of your routes Burbs ? Or just recall them from memory ?
    We’d love to retrace your steps & coffee toast your good self atop one of the climbs
    As for a return to 2 wheels, is it definitely out of the question then ?
    Everything else is shyte

    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Thanks Mr. Nut. Have to keep the back brace for at least another 8 to 10 weeks. Also have weak legs so can't get the bike off the side stand. Trouble holding upright as well. I reckon that there is a tiny chance that I will ever get my leg over again.
    All my routes are on scraps of paper but on the day they are purely from memory (no satnav. notes or 'phone involved).
    I'll try to generate something for you but I'm not good with mapping technology. Any particular one (of 5 or 6 that you want most ?). Still, you won't want it/them 'till next spring anyway. I could always send it long-hand.
    Am really hoping to be able to get on (a lighter bike) at some stage but it is not very likely. I miss it SO much.
    Keep well all. Hope to see you again sometime.
    I only have one vice…I lie.

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