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    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DC View Post
    The Pythons were visionaries !
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    My ol' girl had not been touched since mid January. Inclement weather, illness and the lockdown.

    Charged the dead battery, left it a couple of hours and it held the charge. Stuck it in the bike and it started instantly on the button.

    Lost ½ lb in the rear and none in the front. Bunged grease on bits and oiled the chain.

    Let's hope I can stay on the thing !!
    I only have one vice…I lie.

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    So it seems that no one is very happy with Mr Karloff's 'next phase'.
    With a huge library of advisers, how can the latest directives be so unpopular ?
    I see that China & Germany have reported new spikes in infections since their easing of restrictions.
    Should he have kept us under, a fairly liberal compared to some, lockdown for longer ?
    Is it just that his real bosses are bored with not making billions a week ?
    Or perhaps he has another lover lined up and he can't risk being caught philandering against his own rules.

    It's forecast dry for the weekend, so do I really care
    Everything else is shyte

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    Personally I think Boris is between a rock and and a hard place and can’t do right for doing wrong, I wouldn’t want his job and doubt anyone on here truthfully would either.
    If he keeps the lock down in force then theres people like the dickhead judge lord sumption saying it’s wrong and against human rights, calling it an illegal nationwide house arrest etc etc, but if he lifts its then there’s people saying he’s wrong for doing that endangering life etc, So he’s taken the middle ground and seems to have done half and half (which can’t possibly work)
    My own personal view is it’s not the right time to be lifting it and things should stay as they are indefinitely until a vaccine is found but looking at the history of other viruses then the likelihood of a working vaccine is at best unlikely in the foreseeable future, so realistically the nation can’t afford to do that.
    so back to the rock and hard place situation.
    But then I’m a fan of Boris and a staunch Tory supporter so what do I know.

    The Boss Dabz's Avatar
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    I think he should have outlined the next steps and given us 3 more weeks of lockdown to drive the numbers right down

    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dabz View Post
    I think he should have outlined the next steps and given us 3 more weeks of lockdown to drive the numbers right down
    I'm inclined to think the same. I certainly won't be heading out too much. Let everyone else go mad out there for a week or so and see how it goes.
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dabz View Post
    I think he should have outlined the next steps and given us 3 more weeks of lockdown to drive the numbers right down
    Anecdotally they need more to infect. I keep in contact with guys I served with and one has just been sent back from a Nightingale hospital. They were briefed best scenario, local services to overwhelm and them to see 50% of capacity. They didn't get a single patient. His contribution to the fight was spending a few weeks trying to get in to nurses knickers...... jammy git.

    They need more people to get it, they achieve this by loosening restrictions. They can't state it this way because doing so would be political suicide, plenty of people still have some belief the government will magically stop them ever catching this. It's game of balancing infections to match service capacity (NHS, etc) and also to take in to account economic impact.

    There is also a scientific model floating around that shows if strict restrictions are kept for too long and infections bottomed out too far then you will eventually get a 2nd spike equal to what we just had.

    I think basically we mostly need to catch it, however we need to do it in a terribly organised and managed way. Plagues being known for being organisable and manageable.

    I'm no fan of tories and I would happily hang the blonde tosser from a tree with a (very) short drop but just from the light academic reading I have tried to do, I wouldn't want his job right now. He has to take a bunch of disagreeing scientific opinions that he has no better qualification to judge than you or I and then formulate actions based on what may turn out to be utter crap.

    The Boss Dabz's Avatar
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    Totally agree that Boris can't win - whoeever was PM now (thank god it's not still Teresa May mind you) would be fighting a losing battle. The tide has turned over the last week to start making this political when efforts would be better spent managing the crisis.

    What I don't agree with is the government citing care home cases reducing as a victory. It's because as they're dying there are fewer sitting targets to catch it, not because the spread is reducing.

    The movements now are definitely economically focused rather than based on the science though. You can tell because there's no consistency - people are fine in enclosed spaces if it's for work but not for personal. You can allow a cleaner in your home after they've been home-to-home all day but can't let a single family member from another household in your garden. You can view houses (stamp duty income very welcome right now clearly) with an estate agent but you can't yet go in certain small shops. Bin men don't get the benefit of 2m distancing when they sit 3 abreast in their vans, nor do doctors and nurses who have had to put themselves at risk since day 1, but teachers are up in arms at being sent back to work and letting their unions refuse for them.

    What's more frightening that all of that is that they're now suggesting the public need to exercise common sense to get us through this! Since when did the UK general public have any common sense, much less enough to see us through a global pandemic? :P

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dabz View Post
    The movements now are definitely economically focused rather than based on the science though.
    I'd debate the point it's a mix, the science too needs infections to occur, when formulating (or writing on a fag packet) the plan though it seems (to me) sensible to base any planned increase in infection with economic opening. 2 Birds one stone, though granted it leads to a policy that looks like a laughable mess.

    The economic recovery actually worries me more than the Plague.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dabz View Post
    What's more frightening that all of that is that they're now suggesting the public need to exercise common sense to get us through this!
    I've heard repeatedly already today the distinct sound of litre bikes popping wheelies on the 338 as they leave Tidworth. Bet the beach is packed at Christchurch too.

    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    I only have one vice…I lie.

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