
Thread: Cheers pal

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  1. Cheers pal 
    Last Sunday I got up early and took a blast down the A39 to Lynmouth.
    Great weather, great roads and not a lot of traffic.
    On the way home, as I came through Marksbury, I stopped behind a car waiting to turn right.
    One of the approaching cars put his left indicator on then flashed his lights several times. Good man. The car in front proceeded to make the turn only to slam his brakes on as the oncoming car sailed past his bonnet.
    What the hell was he playing at?
    All was revealed around the next bend when I saw the police speed camera.
    The "good Samaritan" was warning other drivers (illegal) and will never know how close he came to causing a wreck.
    They're out there so keep 'em peeled!

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    Wow, you have to watch other road users closely and not take anything for granted!
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

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    Jun 2019
    flashing your lights is a warning your there.
    Rule 110

    Flashing headlights. Only flash your headlights to let other road users know that you are there. Do not flash your headlights to convey any other message or intimidate other road users.

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    Personally I think anyone that gets flashed by someone they don't know and takes that unknown persons opinion that the coast is safe and clear and pulls out without checking for themselves that it's safe needs their head examined. There was more than one person at fault there, not just the one that flashed.
    Last edited by Badger-Roy; 31-07-19 at 03:46 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Badger-Roy View Post
    Personally I think anyone that gets flashed by someone they don't know and takes that unknown persons opinion that the coast is safe and clear and pulls out without checking for themselves that it's safe needs their head examined. There was more than one person at fault there, not just the one that flashed.
    My pet peeve lately is when I've stopped behind an obstruction on my side of the road to let the oncoming car through and then they stop and start flashing to let me through!
    1. I've already stopped.
    2. The obstruction is on my side so I have to let you through.
    3. You're not being helpful.
    4. You are not getting a thank you, D*ck head!
    Just drive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wiltshire builders View Post
    My pet peeve lately is when I've stopped behind an obstruction on my side of the road to let the oncoming car through and then they stop and start flashing to let me through!
    1. I've already stopped.
    2. The obstruction is on my side so I have to let you through.
    3. You're not being helpful.
    4. You are not getting a thank you, D*ck head!
    Just drive.
    Totally agree
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by wiltshire builders View Post
    My pet peeve lately is when I've stopped behind an obstruction on my side of the road to let the oncoming car through and then they stop and start flashing to let me through!
    1. I've already stopped.
    2. The obstruction is on my side so I have to let you through.
    3. You're not being helpful.
    4. You are not getting a thank you, D*ck head!
    Just drive.
    yep I'm with you there, it's kinda like if you was holding the door open for someone then them grabbing the door also and saying "no no after you", there's being polite and then there's bring a plum.

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    Hiding in your blindspot
    Quote Originally Posted by wiltshire builders View Post
    My pet peeve lately is when I've stopped behind an obstruction on my side of the road to let the oncoming car through and then they stop and start flashing to let me through!
    1. I've already stopped.
    2. The obstruction is on my side so I have to let you through.
    3. You're not being helpful.
    4. You are not getting a thank you, D*ck head!
    Just drive.
    Or complete 'tards in front of you, turning right, but flash a car out first, especially when you're on a bike, and/or the car they flash out, is a pensioner, in a frikkin Yaris.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitch9128 View Post
    Or complete 'tards in front of you, turning right, but flash a car out first, especially when you're on a bike, and/or the car they flash out, is a pensioner, in a frikkin Yaris.
    Iv been guilty of that if Iv had an car tailgating me, week before last I was out on the bike and I'd had a car tailgating me for 5 mins, convinced we was having a race (we really wasn't, I was just enjoying a gentle ride), as I went to turn off there was a couple of cars towing caravans waiting to pull out and it was soooo satisfying letting them out in front before turning just to annoy the boyracer that'd been buzzing me like a fly the last 5 mins .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Badger-Roy View Post
    Iv been guilty of that if Iv had an car tailgating me, week before last I was out on the bike and I'd had a car tailgating me for 5 mins, convinced we was having a race (we really wasn't, I was just enjoying a gentle ride), as I went to turn off there was a couple of cars towing caravans waiting to pull out and it was soooo satisfying letting them out in front before turning just to annoy the boyracer that'd been buzzing me like a fly the last 5 mins .
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

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