
Thread: Prick in an Audi

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  1. Prick in an Audi 
    Diamond Member Scotty's Avatar
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    Fawley, New Forest
    What, another one you all wonder? 'Fraid so...

    Sadly I witnessed the following having taken a detour round B-o-A after work as the Frome Rd was closed following an RTC involving a bike:

    After leaving work I was approaching the Bradford Leigh traffic lights at around 17:15, and when I was 50m or so from them they changed to red so I slowed and stopped at the line. Movement in my mirror caught my eye as a black Audi A3 pulled out round me and booted it across the junction, a full 4 seconds or more after the lights went red. Unfortunately he wasn't collected by a turning 18-wheeler, this sort only ever get brought to justice following wiping out a cyclist, biker, or child, and with a good solicitor they tend to waltz out of court with a lighter punishment than bikers receive for exceeding 100mph...

    To the driver of WU16 GYO, you sir, are a prick. When I joined the queue for Fiveways lights several miles further on, you were half a dozen cars ahead of me - was it worth it, is your dick really that small?

    Can someone copy this and post it on Facebook please?

    As I drove to work this morning there was a crash-damaged small supermoto (probably a 125) wrapped in Police tape and leaning against the wall by the road to the Tythe Barn. There's nothing mentioned on the BBC news local pages so hopefully the rider wasn't seriously hurt...
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    Senior Member Trev_P's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scotty View Post
    What, another one you all wonder? 'Fraid so...

    Sadly I witnessed the following having taken a detour round B-o-A after work as the Frome Rd was closed following an RTC involving a bike:

    After leaving work I was approaching the Bradford Leigh traffic lights at around 17:15, and when I was 50m or so from them they changed to red so I slowed and stopped at the line. Movement in my mirror caught my eye as a black Audi A3 pulled out round me and booted it across the junction, a full 4 seconds or more after the lights went red. Unfortunately he wasn't collected by a turning 18-wheeler, this sort only ever get brought to justice following wiping out a cyclist, biker, or child, and with a good solicitor they tend to waltz out of court with a lighter punishment than bikers receive for exceeding 100mph...

    To the driver of WU16 GYO, you sir, are a prick. When I joined the queue for Fiveways lights several miles further on, you were half a dozen cars ahead of me - was it worth it, is your dick really that small?

    Can someone copy this and post it on Facebook please?

    As I drove to work this morning there was a crash-damaged small supermoto (probably a 125) wrapped in Police tape and leaning against the wall by the road to the Tythe Barn. There's nothing mentioned on the BBC news local pages so hopefully the rider wasn't seriously hurt...
    Looks like the Audi is a ghost (False Plates)
    Vehicle details could not be found

    Vehicle details could not be found as it has not been possible to locate the vehicle details, your enquiry cannot proceed and has been cancelled. If you want to check the vehicle record held by DVLA...

    A call to Wilts Police may be in order so they can put it on the ANPR database
    Last edited by Trev_P; 10-04-19 at 03:40 PM.
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    Hiding in your blindspot
    Audi...'nuff said.

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