
Thread: Local boy done good...

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    The Boss Dabz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trev View Post
    Depends what you call rich, all I know is that I pay a **** load of tax both personally and through my business although not sure it's proportional to anything, certainly doesn't feel like it come January & July ; )
    Amen to this - I run a business but it's hard to see the reward when you get taxed heavily for taking any profits out (moreso now they're changing the dividend tax rules), and if you leave the money in you pay load sin tax anyway.

    People complain about the "rich" but do they realise that 20p in every pound a business makes goes straight to the government, after you've already paid 20% in VAT, and then if you take out enough in wages to make up for the long days and sleepless nights you pay 40p in every pound to the goverment.

    Imagine my business bills a customer £100. We pay £20 over to the government in VAT. Of the £80 that's left we pay a further £16 in corporation tax, so we have £64 left. If I pay £20 of that to a staff member I have £44 left except the government charges me a further £2.2 in tax because I paid it to the member of staff (even though they themselves also paid £4 in tax!). I have £41.80 left from that £100 we worked hard to earn, so I think I deserve £30 of it, but if I do that often enough then I'm in the higher tax bracket and only receive £24 of it.

    So I get £24 for every £100 billed. Ok, bit of an extreme example and it's not exactly like that with tax free earnings etc, but the sentiment is right. The working class might be hard done by but it's annoying when everyone makes out that those who run businesses have it easy.

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    I couldn't give a flying fekk about any of them. But I do feel for the guys who fought in the Falklands having to listen to him being congratulated by the Argentinian Prime Minster as he wants a joint a joint administration there and Gerry Adams pleased as he fought for Replucanism in Ireland. I also think the Torys are tw@ts wanting to make strikers wear arm bands and report their details to the police first !!!
    Counting down until my next ride out!

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    As a veteran I'm with you shifty

    Diamond Member Kevinb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dabz View Post
    Amen to this - I run a business but it's hard to see the reward when you get taxed heavily for taking any profits out (moreso now they're changing the dividend tax rules), and if you leave the money in you pay load sin tax anyway.

    People complain about the "rich" but do they realise that 20p in every pound a business makes goes straight to the government, after you've already paid 20% in VAT, and then if you take out enough in wages to make up for the long days and sleepless nights you pay 40p in every pound to the goverment.

    Imagine my business bills a customer £100. We pay £20 over to the government in VAT. Of the £80 that's left we pay a further £16 in corporation tax, so we have £64 left. If I pay £20 of that to a staff member I have £44 left except the government charges me a further £2.2 in tax because I paid it to the member of staff (even though they themselves also paid £4 in tax!). I have £41.80 left from that £100 we worked hard to earn, so I think I deserve £30 of it, but if I do that often enough then I'm in the higher tax bracket and only receive £24 of it. So I get £24 for every £100 billed. Ok, bit of an extreme example and it's not exactly like that with tax free earnings etc, but the sentiment is right. The working class might be hard done by but it's annoying when everyone makes out that those who run businesses have it easy.

    James if it wasn't for you and other people who run businesses paying taxes then there wouldn't be a country. People on benefits use it as a way of life rather then a step between jobs. If Corbyn got in then there wouldn't be any poor as he would pay everyone lots, no underfunded health services because he would just print more money and no need for a nuclear deterrent as the whole world would live as one and in peace and harmony (I'll have some of what he is drinking or smoking as it sounds amazing)

    The Boss Dabz's Avatar
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    If you ask me Facebook has a lot to answer for - too many people believe every photoshopped picture or completely fabricated claim and it wins votes

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dabz View Post
    Amen to this - I run a business but it's hard to see the reward when you get taxed heavily for taking any profits out (moreso now they're changing the dividend tax rules), and if you leave the money in you pay load sin tax anyway.

    People complain about the "rich" but do they realise that 20p in every pound a business makes goes straight to the government, after you've already paid 20% in VAT, and then if you take out enough in wages to make up for the long days and sleepless nights you pay 40p in every pound to the goverment.

    Imagine my business bills a customer £100. We pay £20 over to the government in VAT. Of the £80 that's left we pay a further £16 in corporation tax, so we have £64 left. If I pay £20 of that to a staff member I have £44 left except the government charges me a further £2.2 in tax because I paid it to the member of staff (even though they themselves also paid £4 in tax!). I have £41.80 left from that £100 we worked hard to earn, so I think I deserve £30 of it, but if I do that often enough then I'm in the higher tax bracket and only receive £24 of it.

    So I get £24 for every £100 billed. Ok, bit of an extreme example and it's not exactly like that with tax free earnings etc, but the sentiment is right. The working class might be hard done by but it's annoying when everyone makes out that those who run businesses have it easy.
    Dabz, I don't want to question your maths but if you manage to keep £24 of every £30 you pay yourself then I need to have a word with your accountant ; )

    The Boss Dabz's Avatar
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    On second look my maths is way out on that last bit... gotta wonder how I manage to run a business lol

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dabz View Post
    On second look my maths is way out on that last bit... gotta wonder how I manage to run a business lol
    'cos you're doing it for the challenge rather than the money of course ; )

    The Boss Dabz's Avatar
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    Definitely, if I was doing it for money I'd have given up 10 years ago!

    Administrator Uber Dave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dabz View Post
    If you ask me Facebook has a lot to answer for - too many people believe every photoshopped picture or completely fabricated claim and it wins votes
    Dont get me started, the amount of utter rubbish people share blindly at the moment without so much as a reverse image search or just googleing the damn topic is unreal. I have removed a couple of people on the back of it actually.

    Quote Originally Posted by shiftyblake View Post
    I couldn't give a flying fekk about any of them. But I do feel for the guys who fought in the Falklands having to listen to him being congratulated by the Argentinian Prime Minster as he wants a joint a joint administration there and Gerry Adams pleased as he fought for Replucanism in Ireland. I also think the Torys are tw@ts wanting to make strikers wear arm bands and report their details to the police first !!!
    I was deployed down there during the 30th Anniversary of the war and to say the Argentinians were taking the piss is an understatement, constant infringements of airspace amongst some other stuff I wont go into on here. On top of that they just bought some long range bombers from the Russians and have been quite vocal of late regarding the whole thing. The second we show any sort of lack of interest like the last time round they will be there quicker than you can imagine and we will look like a pretty poor excuse of a country without the Navy we had 33 years ago to go back down and sort it out. The UK on the world stage would be a shell of its former self!

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