
Thread: Local boy done good...

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    Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WR6133 View Post
    I want to like Corbyn, a lot of what he says makes sense. However his CND anti nuclear weapons stance would stop me voting for him.

    As for the National anthem, what a storm in a teacup. I can count on 1 finger how many times I sang that as a soldier so I don't think it's key to remembering those that served in the slightest (hell I know more words to the Internationale and the Red flag than god save the queen). Hymns are sung at Remembrance services, the anthem was only included there to massage the ego of 1 attendee.

    Good luck too him and if he changes his view on Trident I may actually bother voting.
    His views are scrap trident and spend the money on nations wellbeing, including investing in the armed forces. Not cutting them, and having married privates on income support. No-one is ever gonna use them, so why spend money where none is needed, Sheet if anyone did, we're all ferked anyway.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trev View Post
    +1 for that, unlikely I would be voting Labour now absolutely 100% certain I won't be, would be a disaster for the country if he got in. Probably a nice bloke but I want a PM who knows more about running a country than I do
    A disaster? Do tell how?

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitch9128 View Post
    married privates on income support.
    Not sure how needed that is. Yes a fresh crowbag has a fairly low income but the outgoings are also very low (unless things have massively changed). My old quarter (Zouch, Tidworth, 2 bed flat) cost me under £180 a month (and that included the CILOCT charge), so even though my take home pay didn't seem huge at the time it was actually pretty good with that little paid for accommodation. The equivalent civvy bottom rung, low pay job would have been looking at £700+ a month for an equivalent 2 bed flat in the same area, even taking in to account things like housing benefit they would have been worse off.

    Yes I bitched and moaned about crap pay at the time but looking back now I'm a civvy I realise it was actually a bloody good deal.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WR6133 View Post
    Not sure how needed that is. Yes a fresh crowbag has a fairly low income but the outgoings are also very low (unless things have massively changed). My old quarter (Zouch, Tidworth, 2 bed flat) cost me under £180 a month (and that included the CILOCT charge), so even though my take home pay didn't seem huge at the time it was actually pretty good with that little paid for accommodation. The equivalent civvy bottom rung, low pay job would have been looking at £700+ a month for an equivalent 2 bed flat in the same area, even taking in to account things like housing benefit they would have been worse off.

    Yes I bitched and moaned about crap pay at the time but looking back now I'm a civvy I realise it was actually a bloody good deal.
    Think it's called Tax credits now, doesn't matter if your outgoings are low, the wage is pants, so you get it. I know of Signallers on it, either way Trident is a waste of money, where it could be better spent, the last quarter i had, had been condemned several times, and approved for use several times, to suit returning regiments from Germany.

    Diamond Member
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    Everyone has their own reasons for voting for who they wish and that is a matter for the individual. However, with regard to the national anthem, some of the wording does throw up some interesting questions. The following extracts for example;
    "God save the Queen"

    "And like a torrent rush,
    Rebellious Scots to crush"

    Are we saying that atheist republicans should be expected to call on 'God' to save an unelected Head of State?

    And should we expect that all of the 1,617,989 'rebellious' Scots who voted against the union in last year's independence referendum should be expected to sing the national anthem of the UK?

    As a democrat, the answer for me to both questions has to be a resounding no.
    I will never forget all those that paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedom to make our own choices, which includes which songs we choose to sing.
    Last edited by redken1; 16-09-15 at 11:17 AM.

    Diamond Member
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    It will be interesting to see what he does from now on as I think he's a choice 1) Stick to firmly to his beliefs and principals - and lead labour to a glorious massive failure at the next election 2) Go back on the far left views that got him where he is, and risk being branded a hypocrite and having his supporters disown him or 3) Stir things up for a few months or a year and resign before he's booted out by the majority of his party colleagues when they realise that they will never be drawing member of parliament salaries !

    You will always get the looney left and looney right, but thank God I think the majority of the British public are sensible enough to know that you can't have either in power.
    The thoughts of him representing "us" when dealing with other countries presidents and prime ministers makes me shudder, he would be a complete embarrassment !
    Saying that, I'm sure the likes of old Russia and North Korea etc will like him ;-)

    On the other hand, if he gets into No 10 (he'll probably live in a caravan in the back garden) I reserve the right to join the Ban the Bomb, Save the Whales, Up the Workers groups and dig my old flares out of the bottom of the wardrobe :-)

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    Ken, I didn't realise I was humming to a suggestion of Scott crushing - cool :-)

    Bring back William Wallace and Gromit I say, great films.

    Edited: I take that all back, I have just remembered that when I went to Inverness last time the Polish guy in the Scottish shop said that Simpson was a Scottish name and I even had my very own tartan !
    Last edited by Gerry; 16-09-15 at 11:42 AM. Reason: Just remembered my Scottish name

    Diamond Member Kevinb's Avatar
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    Good to see he got voted in to lead Labour. It gives the Conservatives more time to sort out the last Labour cock up. People forget we are in this mess because of the last Labour government. You can't run up debt without having to pay it back.

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    Gerry, you express concern that Corbyn would be an 'embarrassment' dealing with leaders of other states. Do you mean like our PM, when ahead of a speech in Leeds, he said: "We just thought people in Yorkshire hated everyone else, we didn't realise they hated each other so much"? To be fair to him he wasn't about to address a Russian or US audience. Lol

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitch9128 View Post
    A disaster? Do tell how?
    unsustainable benefits system, raise of union power, zero credibility on international stage, out of EU, increased taxes, ineffective economic policy, negative climate for business, weak response to terrorist threat, yet more cyclists and beards stay in fashion

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