
Thread: The State owns your kids.

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    Active Member Stuntsunlimited's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redken1 View Post
    I make no apologies for politicising what is in essence a political issue. The then Government Education Secretary Michael Gove amended the legislation in September 2013 which previously gave Heads discretionary powers to grant 10 days for family holidays in ‘special circumstances’. As Stunts points out, Gove removed the reference to the 10-day limit from the regulations which meant that Heads could only authorise absence in term time under ‘exceptional circumstances’ which didn’t include family holidays. LA's were duty bound to enforce the tightening of the legislation, although I think there has been a relaxation of enforcement in response to the 200,000 signature petition opposing the regulation.

    Not only are private schools exempt from this legislation, but as their terms tend to be shorter than state school terms, it means that parents of privately educated children can often book cheaper holidays before state schools break up in peak holiday season. I wonder how many children of our parliamentarians attend private school and whether the percentage is representative of the country as a whole?

    Like all sectors in our unregulated free market economy, holiday companies’ tariffs are priced at the maximum market forces will allow at any particular time of the season. We are all aware that demand is at its highest during the school summer break and that is when holidays are most expensive. Now you don’t need to be a socio political scholar to know which families will be hit the hardest by this ridiculous legislation.
    What does a millionaire government minister know about the struggle facing a working family at the bottom of the income scale trying to budget every week, let alone afford a holiday? Heads should be given discretionary powers because they are best placed to make these decisions on an individual basis and based on a sound judgement. They know the pupil’s attendance record, level of application and family background. Of course the state has a duty to ensure that parents fulfil their obligation to send their offspring to school, but IMO this is way OTT.

    Nice insight - boilled my p*** that little bit more.

    Diamond Member Kevinb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matthews677 View Post
    So when the teachers go on strike and we lose a days pay to look after the child (who should have been at school!) can i fine them £120 and a days salary as well? I hate schools when it comes to this sort of thing. Yes its written down but surely common sense needs to be applied somewhere.
    Would be interesting to know what the background of the child was in the news story. Wonder if they were regularly off of school or if this was a one off?
    Very true and what about the number of teacher training days they 'Make' working people take off work or have to arrange child care?
    You would think with the number of training days they take off they would be better at their jobs

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    I think it is important to identify the villain of the piece here and recognise that 71 per cent of teachers backed parents in opposing this unpopular regulation on term-time holiday fines.

    On the separate issue of striking teachers, I believe that every individual in a fair and free democracy should have the right to withdraw their labour. I can fully understand why some parents would be frustrated/annoyed if the school their children attended closed due to industrial action. However, as with all unions, there are legal procedures which must be adhered to and parents are given ample prior warning of the strike date(s).

    I agree that it's wrong for holiday companies to profiteer during school holidays but it p*sses me off when selfish parents take their kids on holiday and claim its for the child. RUBBISH!
    Kids don't care where they are just as long as there's a beach/park/pool or other kids to play with.
    The parents wanted to go to Spain so that's what they did.
    I have no sympathy what-so-ever in that respect.
    I travel a lot and every time I hear a small child crying on the plane I want to punch the parent in the face for subjecting the poor little sod to the excruciating pain of air travel so that they can get a sun tan.

    Diamond Member DC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuntsunlimited View Post
    Come on Dabz, why should a school tell you when you can or can't take your kids on holiday. My parents took me off school for a week to go on holiday, was no issue back then, so why now? I tell my ten year old, be good at remembering and play the game... I ask her how 'kiddy prison' was when I see her... They're more like prisons.
    My Daughter goes to Helston School where they have A Block,B Block and C Block and for those parents who decided to sign the paperwork and subject their children to this....thumbprint scanning to get your lunch . Does this sound like an educational establishment or something else ???

    Active Member Stuntsunlimited's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daddy Cool View Post
    My Daughter goes to Helston School where they have A Block,B Block and C Block and for those parents who decided to sign the paperwork and subject their children to this....thumbprint scanning to get your lunch . Does this sound like an educational establishment or something else ???
    Thumb print to get your lunch rang significant alarm bells when my partners lads school introduced it... Prison without walls, I used to think people were nuts when they used to speak to me about it. I used to think the system was there to benefit and look after us.

    Diamond Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wiltshire builders View Post
    I agree that it's wrong for holiday companies to profiteer during school holidays but it p*sses me off when selfish parents take their kids on holiday and claim its for the child. RUBBISH!
    Kids don't care where they are just as long as there's a beach/park/pool or other kids to play with.
    The parents wanted to go to Spain so that's what they did.
    I have no sympathy what-so-ever in that respect.
    I travel a lot and every time I hear a small child crying on the plane I want to punch the parent in the face for subjecting the poor little sod to the excruciating pain of air travel so that they can get a sun tan.
    Dan, do you not ask your kids where they would like to go on holiday, I thought all parents did?

    Quote Originally Posted by redken1 View Post
    Dan, do you not ask your kids where they would like to go on holiday, I thought all parents did?
    I can't have kids Ken........they'd get I the way of my biking, surfing, snowboarding, mountain biking and traveling! Besides I'm far too selfish.
    On a serious note it does annoy me when people who have made a conscious decision to have a family then moan about the effects it has on their lives.
    Also when they don't control the Little darlings in public. Especially restaurants.

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    This isnt right at all! Its all about conditioning and control from a young age, so that it becomes the norm when they grow up.

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