
Thread: Words Literally Fail Me...

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    Diamond Member
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    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by wiltshire builders View Post
    Tricky one.
    Like WR said this is The Daily Mail so a lot of it will be sensationalised rubbish.

    Dave is right that people do have to move on but I doubt the family stalked her.
    More likely the Mail found out about the posts then told the family. That's the sort of thing they do.
    On the surface she does seem a bit insensitive and not as punishing of herself as she made out to the court.
    I agree Dan.
    It does seem that the girl is showing little remorse on the face of it. However, following a traumatic event, people react in different ways, experiencing a wide range of physical and emotional reactions. It is very common for some people to blank out the pain of such an event by disconnecting the brain and pretending that nothing happened. Is it possible that the girl in question is feeling such a sense of guilt that she is in denial? Of course the Mail never bothered to seek a response from the girl or her family before running the story so we don’t know. And of course if there was medical evidence available to substantiate that possibility, we would see a more balanced report. Did the Mail need to run this story in such a sensationalist manner? I doubt the tabloid’s motive was to raise awareness for bike safety. Such a sad story in many ways.
    RIP Allan
    Last edited by redken1; 24-02-15 at 01:05 PM.

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