I'm sure it will be a good laugh, and should you happen to embarrass yourself (which I'm sure you won't) you would then belong to a small but select group of WB Llandow embarasees of which I was the second ;-)
Hopefully this year the guy who does the briefing will have forgotten, and I'll escape the briefing without a special mention lol

Quote Originally Posted by Trev View Post
Thanks Gerry, I could refit the stnd tail box but it's a bit of a faff as had to modify the tail tidy for the LV cans so will need to refit stand mudguard and tail light as well + the LV cans (together with the K&N) do seem to make a small but noticeable difference. It's good to hear that Llandow is a little more relaxed but don't want to use that as an excuse to take the pee or get it all the way there and not be able to ride.

As for 'a little MT03 may well embarrass some bigger bikes' - maybe should insert 'well ridden' in there somewhere, it will need to be a 'steady' rider on a big bike for me to embarrass anyone other than myself! Should still be a laugh though ; )