
Thread: Helmet removal notice at Petrol stations

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    Diamond Member
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    Question; if the rider of a stolen bike refuelled and sped of without paying, how do the police identify the suspect from the CCTV footage if his/her helmet was not removed?

    Unless I am in a real hurry, I remove my helmet because I think it is rude to converse with another person with my face covered and as already stated, it's a welcome break.
    Last edited by redken1; 18-06-14 at 08:34 PM.

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gerry View Post

    I always take mine off anyway, it takes a few seconds (inc gloves) keeps everybody happy and is easier to fill up anyway without it on.
    Life's to short (well, mine is anyway) to get overheated about such a trivial thing ;-)
    Second that, it's not as if I've come in to refuel mid-way through a TT lap ; )

    I think the problem is as a section of society we already feel persecuted as it is.
    We've all had "the look" when we tell someone that we ride.

    Being presumed to be a criminal or up to no good is just another example Of being prejudged.
    Would they ask someone to remove a hood, baseball cap or sunglasses before serving them?
    Yes people do use helmets to commit crimes but does that mean we all have to be thought of as guilty until proven innocent?

    Reading the other comments it seems many of you are big enough to turn the other cheek.
    Not me. I'm a petty, petty man! ��

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    Quote Originally Posted by redken1 View Post
    Unless I am in a real hurry, I remove my helmet because I think it is rude to converse with another person with my face covered and as already stated, it's a welcome break.
    You see it as a welcome break, others see it as a pain in the arse. Call me rude if you want but I don't want to talk to the petrol station employee, I just want to fill my bike with fuel, had over some cash and be on my way.

    WB makes a good point, we are being treated as would be criminals

    Diamond Member
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    Don't bite my finger, but look where it is pointing. I agree with you Dan. I am merely trying to explain why some garages have adopted this policy.

    Senior Member
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    The main reason I don't generally take my helmet off is actually because I'm very well aware it takes quite a while to faff about putting it back on!

    I actually feel quite bad when car drivers are waiting behind me.

    OK sometimes I could just roll the bike forward but it's not always safe/possible/easy to do with a helmet on your arm, earplugs stuffed somewhere, gloves off etc.

    I also dont really want my helmet getting scratched and covered in diesel as its very rare to have somewhere you can put it safely so the floor is often the only choice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wiltshire builders View Post
    I think the problem is as a section of society we already feel persecuted as it is.
    I dont never have.

    Active Member
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    Perhaps it's not just as bikers that we may be asked to remove some kit before being served, just around the corner from me the local 'On the Run' garage will not activate the pumps if your wearing large sunglasses, baseball caps or any other headwear that may hide your facial features, I don't find it a big deal more just a sad sign of the times.

    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grey haired bloke View Post
    just around the corner from me the local 'On the Run' garage will not activate the pumps if your wearing large sunglasses, baseball caps or any other headwear that may hide your facial features
    Now then, howzabout getting 15 or 20 bikes round there and asking if they want 300 quids-worth of business or not !

    Could really milk it as no other cars could get in. Oh please someone organise it...
    Last edited by Burbler; 19-06-14 at 08:01 PM.
    I only have one vice…I lie.

    Active Member Long John's Avatar
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    I hate being asked to remove my helmet, it's happened twice and on one occasion the cashier sent out the 16 year old part time cannon fodder to deliver the message. Sadly he bounded up to me and asked me to take my hat off. To which the answer was a rather short rant explaining a would not be treated like a criminal just because I was on a bike and I'd take my business elsewhere. Which I did, but only after bricking it that I'd run out before the next station. Luckily I made it, so didn't manage to lose the nose to spite my face.

    The other occasion was even more annoying, they let me start to fill up before turning the pump off after delivering about £2's worth. This really pissed me off and the cashier got a right blasting, needless to say I won't use either again whether I'm on the bike or in the car.

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