
Thread: Missing flight MH370 ...

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  1. Missing flight MH370 ... 
    Platinum Member Goldie's Avatar
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    Wonder if this could be true?

    The latest doing the rounds on Facebook regarding Malaysian flight MH370:

    MUST GO VIRAL. READ ALL OF THE FACTS BELOW LINK: Flight MH370 Co-ordinates to a remote island taken by a confirmed passenger of Malaysian Flight 370 named Philip Wood reveal what is known as a small island called Diego Garcia. The co-ordinates came from Philip's cellphone when he uploaded a black photo with a message claiming he himself is being held prisoner by unknown military.

    iPhone 5 co-ordinates: EXIF: LAT: 7deg 18′ 58.309″ South ; LONG: 72deg 25′ 35.559″

    Converted co-ordinates: LAT: -7.316197 ; LONG: 72.426544


    UNREPORTED FACTS REGARDING Flight MH370 and the United States Military Base Diego Garcia:

    * Diego Garcia is a US Military island base in the Indian Ocean
    * Diego Garcia has never been mentioned to the public
    * Diego Garcia has a fully operational runway and Airport
    * Diego Garcia is 2,142 miles from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
    * The island was leased by Britain in 1966. It is due for renewal in 2014
    * Diego Garcia flight co-ordinates were logged into the renown Pilot's Flight Plan Simulator
    * The pilot's flight simulator has 'remote take-over' capabilities
    * The data from the pilot's flight simulator has now been erased
    * Flight MH370 was under 'suspicious cargo' surveillance by the GRU (Russian Main Intelligence)
    * 20 of the passengers work for a company which specializes in futuristic warfare and technology
    * Australian Military Radar Base: The Jindalee Operational Radar Network has the capabilities of detecting movements within a radius of 37,000km
    * Malaysian authorities have pleaded with the US and Australia to release to them information from their top secret radar bases in Australia
    * Island residents of the Maldives (647 miles north of Diego Garcia) reported seeing a huge low flying aircraft heading SOUTH which is the direction of Diego Garcia at 6.15am the morning after it 'disappeared' from radar
    * The time of departure from Kuala Lumpur to the time of the plane's sighting is accurate
    * The National Maldives Defence Force dismissed these eye witness accounts on the premise of no radar detection
    * It is public knowledge that flight MH370 was not detectable, or had lost signal to radar
    * Almost every member of the public had no idea there was an island in the Indian Ocean housing a US Military base and Airport before the above post was shared
    * Diego Garcia has been completely dismissed from the International search, and completely dismissed from public investigative speculation

    Hmmm, thoughts?
    In loving memory of Mikkie Mahon 8th May 1986 - 28th September 2014. Taken too soon, ride free x
    “I WILL be a story in your head, but that’s ok. We are all stories in the end, just make yours a good one, eh?”

    Active Member WhyNot's Avatar
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    Somethings definitely not right about all this, for a start how can you confirm a plane has crashed thousands of miles from where it was meant to be travelling with no physical evidence. Weird.

    Join Date
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    Ok - interesting - but to use a term beloved of statisticians 'correlation does not imply causality'

    However there are more questions than answers why would the aircraft end up going in a direction 180 degs to where it was scheduled to go, why were comms and tracking devices switched off, if it was hijacked why no claim of responsibility or list of demands, if it was a suicide mission why no target destroyed or publicity sought by some group or other...? etc etc

    The longer questions go unanswered the more people turn to conspiracy theories as providing some sort of answer. Quite what the US would want with a plane full of civilian passengers on a remote island just isn't clear (Diego Garcia is leased to the US). One thing is certain the current state of information seems designed to confuse....... I think people are wise to be suspicious and demand answers to awkward questions.

    The Boss Dabz's Avatar
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    I'm afraid what's missing for me is the motive. What on earth would the US want with a plane full of multi-nationality members of the public and an ageing commercial jet? They have no beef with Malaysia or China (where the majority of the passengers are from), certainly not enough to kidnap civilians.

    The reason Diego Garcia isn't being mentioned is simple - it's a secret military base. You can't go making the secret military operations of the world's biggest superpower public knowledge every time civilians go missing...

    Platinum Member Goldie's Avatar
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    It's the lack of answers that people are struggling with, I think. Certainly some odd comments on the link I posted above:

    I'm not into conspiracy theories at all, but I'd like some answers, just like the rest of us.
    In loving memory of Mikkie Mahon 8th May 1986 - 28th September 2014. Taken too soon, ride free x
    “I WILL be a story in your head, but that’s ok. We are all stories in the end, just make yours a good one, eh?”

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    I just take pity on this guy Swanny told us about.

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    Could/could not be true.

    Could be a crazy person who wrote that.

    Could be some one with an ulterior motive to expose this suposed island.

    Could have been a bird in the engine.....

    We will never know i suspect

    Join Date
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    Money is always a good motive

    Rothschild Inherits a Semiconductor Patent For Freescale Semiconductors

    The disappearance of four members of a patent semiconductor traveling on Malaysia Airlines MH370 makes the famous billionaire Jacob Rothschild at the sole owner of the important patent.

    Malaysia Airlines Plane MH370 Latest Conspiracy Theory: Who were Freescale Semiconductor Experts on Board?

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    The most sensible conclusion i have heard is that if a pilot detects smoke in the cockpit then he will head to the nearest airfield that can take the aircraft. All good pilots know where the nearest one is at all points. If they have turned to the nearest strip (which was in the direction they think it finally headed) and then been overcome by smoke (become unconscious) then they would have just flown until its run out of fuel.

    I hope they find it in what ever form so that people can be either repatriated or re-united. Conspiracy theories are always interesting to read though.

    And Diego Garcia cant be that "secret" when they had a royal navy person filming there for the millie awards in december

    Diamond Member DC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matthews677 View Post

    And Diego Garcia cant be that "secret" when they had a royal navy person filming there for the millie awards in december
    And it certainly can't be a secret base if a bunch of peeps on a biking forum in Wiltshire are talking about it.

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