Quote Originally Posted by Mal103 View Post
Is it?
we all hate to hear of someones bike being nicked or vulnerable people assaulted etc.
I won't disagree those are ****ty crimes, though I still don't support going to the police, if for no better reason than the joke sentence a bike thief will get compared to what you yourself can go do to said thief.

Maybe that seems extreme but I have no faith in our justice system, I've been on the receiving end of it both rightfully and wrongfully, including spending 7 months staring at a cell door from a conviction that rested on the word of a liar.

To me (and this is just my view) killerrats actions were born out of sheer spite, he didn't like the guy, there seems no implication in his post the guy was pushing the weed. So out of malice he ratted on him. I mean come on if you don't like someone because they are full of **** sort it round the back of the pub after work don't possibly destroy their life with a spiteful reaction over a couple of plants.