I like it. It has just the right modifications needed to encourage me to get into mountain biking...
Seriously though - if it were allowed on bridleways I might consider it - but that's never going to happen - so no advantage over having a push bike & a scrambler...
Originally Posted by Mal103
1. A lot of kids are fat n lazy, there are lots of efforts trying to get them into more sports and how many kids do you see playing outside these days? I used to live outside during daylight or before 7/8pm, we used to cycle for miles which was a great way to keep fit.
Yeah and it snowed every Christmas, you could leave your back door open and half a crown would get you a cinema ticket, a bag of chips and the bus fare home........
Yep all cliches but it doesn't stop them being true.
My Mum would chuck us out during the day rain or shine, not that I wanted to be inside anyway
Nice reminder there Swan , just what I needed
They wouldn't be legal in the UK without road tax, insurance, helmet and a licence. I suspect anyone who has a licence anyway is not going to buy one of those over a normal bike!
Sorry dude, not meant to be a dig...
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