
Thread: M V Augusta yes/no ???

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  1. M V Agusta yes/no ??? 
    Platinum Member Col's Avatar
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    Seriously thinking about getting one I seen in Fowlers ..F4 RR /2011/ 2500 miles. Got a ride on it Saturday ..nice

    I am homeless 'sniff' so could get this but I am asking myself ..'really!!! what d'ya want it for ???... few sunny days and using too much money on a bike that won't get the mileage my current one gets.

    But always liked the look of them - style wise...quite simply I think they are a beautifully crafted machine. In reality it would be pretty much my last chance to have one but is it worth it ???....

    ....there again you are only here once apparently!!!!

    New ones are now £15000 so is £10000 for a 2011 now too much ???? maybe it is...I don't know..anyone want to comment...would help

    Also ....... the price has reduced by £1000 to what Fowlers paid as trade-in on it as it has been in showroom since September with nobody taking it.

    Even if I had it for a year or two would I be able to sell it as Fowlers have not yet found a buyer .... would I be lumbered with something I would have to virtually give away to sell it when the time came ??? You don't see many around and a small manufacturer so a limited buyer market I guess anyways

    So I am in a bit of turmoil over this heart says 'yes' but head says 'no'

    Any opinions/comments/ words of advice ....all gratefully recieved can't see how to put a poll up about this.
    Last edited by Col; 12-01-14 at 12:31 PM.
    I need amusement in my sad life and it looks, very much, like you fit this requirement admirably..............begin the amusement!!!!!

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    If you've got the cash, work out how much you would be prepared/could stand to lose if you had to sell and then go with your heart!

    Having said that, personally I wouldn't go for it as the MV is a bike that would only get minimal mileage from me and although pretty not one that 'rocks my boat'. That's the great thing about bikes, so subjective and personal taste is a huge part of each decision on which bike to go for - otherwise how the hell would Harley Davidson do so well ; )

    If you accept that whatever bike you go for (apart from ultra low cost commuter/scooter/ped) is a heart over head decision as any decent modern car is cheaper to run than it makes it easier to go the whole way with 'heart wins' and get whatever bike you want!

    Active Member Hondafan's Avatar
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    Where you gonna get parts from if you need then?

    Guy I know bought a very nice looking Laverda.
    generator packed up and it took over a year to get the parts.

    Personally, I don't get to ride my bike as often as I would like and I would be pretty miffed if, when the opportunity arose to go for a ride, that it was out of action.

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    Not my cup of tea but you'd likely not like my dream bike list

    If you have the cash and really really want it then why not. Sure you could spend the money on something sensible but are you then going to spend years wishing you had bought the bike, better in that case to buy it and have your fun/dream, if it doesn't work out sell it on take the loss and be content knowing you have ticked an item off your life list.

    Quote Originally Posted by Col View Post
    But always liked the look of them - style wise...quite simply I think they are a beautifully crafted machine. In reality it would be pretty much my last chance to have one but is it worth it ???....

    ....there again you are only here once apparently!!!!
    I think you answered Yes yourself

    Diamond Member DC's Avatar
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    Hi Col it's the guy with the hat that floats here ( from a previous life when it was really hot and sunny eating ice cream at Tintern Abbey ) Thought that you hadn't had the Blackbird long and that you were really enjoying it . If you can do the MV easily financially then go for it, as you say you're only here once. But reading your post it seems like your gut is talking you out of it , there seems to be more cons than pros and you already appear to be concerned about the re-sale value . You haven't bought it yet and already you're thinking about getting rid of it ! Not at the top of the list of criteria when buying a bike you are passionate about , I'd say IMHO . A bike like that is a pretty special secondary machine if you have plenty of greenbacks and sits in the garage and gets nurtured and spoiled and comes out when the conditions are right , a bit like driving a Mondeo day to day and pulling the cover off the Morgan now and again to go down to the coast for an ice cream Try to imagine how long the gratification would last . I think it was SennaDan on here once had an issue with his MV headlamp setup failing the MOT and a new unit was going to set him back £300-£400 !!! Tried to find his thread to give you the link but couldn't . Hopefully He'll be along soon to give you some more specific technical advice . Sensible , rational and logical bollocks aside , when I bought the Bonny in a Triumph dealership in St Austell I met a bloke in his late sixties who was just about to sign the paperwork on what he called his Bucket Bike ( as in bucket list ) , a brand new Rocket 3 Touring which , with all the bells and whistles was relieving him of around £16000 and he said it was going to be the last bike he EVER bought before he hung up his helmet.....................................

    I've never really got the prestige thing.
    I firmly believe that if an item isn't being used for it's intended purpose that's sacrilegious.

    I've never seen an MV being ridden hard or on the track which is what this bike is built for. Unfortunately they're too expensive to risk dropping so they usually end up sat in a garage while the owner talks the talk.

    A friend of mine had one and said the fly-by-wire throttle was lethal. There would be a slight delay when shutting off that was just enough to disrupt the ride. If I was buying a £15,000 bike I'd expect it to work properly.

    Ask yourself why you'd want it.
    For the ultimate riding experience that no other bike can provide you or to say that you owned one?

    Platinum Member
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    Keep your money in your pocket and sort out your home arrangements.

    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Get it.....

    and give me a go
    Everything else is shyte

    Diamond Member
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    You won't ever ride it because you won't be able to insure it without an address.

    Senior Member
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    Oct 2006
    have 3 mv's in my garage and have never had any problems apart from batteries only lasting about a year, once you ride one its either love or hate no middle ground. there was a problem with the fly by wire throttle but this was sorted on first service and spares are easy to get but can be pricey.

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