welcome mate, glad to see another kwaka in the fold!

as usual (always get lumbered with this) i'll be organising some rideouts this year in and around the area with the possibility of longer trips (looking into a weekend in wales at the mo)

group riding is fine, and as scott mentioned, its a good way to hone your riding skills. and if you are out in a group which are fairly level headed, as this forum seems to have, any 'newbie' or inexperienced type riders would get a nominated person to shadow in case other peeps want to push on at stages. this is so you don't feel the pressure to push yourself too fast too soon to keep up with the others, which could end up in a whole world of pain.

once the weather sorts itself out, i've got a few good routes in the southern wiltshire/dorset way we can go on (did anyone mention Zig Zag Hill? ). plus i'm sure poole quay and hunters lodges rideouts will appear soon enough as well.

enjoy the forum and the zed!! 8-)