sounds to me there's no easy way of purchasing a property other than saving hard for a decent sized deposit
Back in 1991 we bought a house with no deposit (I was just out of uni so had little in savings), with an "equity share scheme" from the builder.
We bought 80% of the property with a mortgage.
The builders owned the other 20% and we would have to buy that off them within 5 years for 20% of the value (min was the purchase price).

Unfortunately house prices went down.
We were both working so we saved up and paid off the charge (in fact we negotiated a 9% discount for paying early) but we would not have been able to put it on the mortgage as the house price had fallen by over 1/3rd (from £70K in 1991 to £45K in 1996).
We could have been in a much worse position and some people were. Some people needed to relocate for work but couldn't take on the money they owed.

When I see all these schemes coming out I do wonder whether we are in for a correction in property prices when the public sector cuts kick in.
I think this is a sign that builders/bank are trying to keep the market going when ultimately continually rising house prices is unsustainable.