
Thread: Have people forgotten how to use their indicators!

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  1. Re: Have people forgotten how to use their indicators! 
    Senior Member Senna(Dan)'s Avatar
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    This is becoming common place and most roads.
    It is frustrating because as a relatively inexperienced rider, compared to some on the forum, you are always expecting the worst. I now look for the swerve to the left before the one flash indication.

    I had to resort to the good old fashioned horn in the car the other day because a rather ignorant Range Rover driver couldn't move his ham arms round the steering wheel, he was not pleased when I blasted the horn to remind him that there are other road users not just him in his Chelsea tractor.

    People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs.

  2. Re: Have people forgotten how to use their indicators! 
    Diamond Member
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    May 2010
    When on the bike I try and avoid motorways whenever possible, simply because I become bored stiff. On the rare occasions when I do use them, however, I always ride presuming that every road user in front of me will switch lanes without warning.

    I find giving early indication, a wide berth and maximising the bike’s acceleration to make decisive overtaking manoeuvres helps to stay alive.

  3. Re: Have people forgotten how to use their indicators! 
    Diamond Member
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Squashed_Fly
    Just to put the cat among the pidgeons PIGEONS, indication is only necessary when there are other vehicles around, within close enough proximity to be affected by actionds ACTIONS if you don't.

    You're assuming the driver has seen you. I always indicate when there is traffic around me, but not on empty roads, or when cars are far behind/in front. I also see enough biker twats on the motorway weaving in and out of the quicker 2 lanes to 'make progress' without indicating (or even shoulder checking most times!), and in fact riding a hell of a lot more dangerously than the average driver is driving!
    Never assume the Driver has seen you. As for "biker twats" A typical reaction from a car driver :

  4. Re: Have people forgotten how to use their indicators! 
    Platinum Member Conehead's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    I always ensure I use the indicators, be it using the car or bike, empty roads or not. Best to be in the habit rather than not as you never know when something might happen.

    I usually ride/drive defensively by keeping an eye on others as you never know what they are going to do. NEVER assume they will do what they are meant to do.

    Before anyone gets on their high horses, I am not perfect, I do make mistakes and I am only human.
    When it's your time to go it's your time, so don't let it catch you.

  5. Re: Have people forgotten how to use their indicators! 
    Diamond Member Beamer's Avatar
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    Trowbridge, Wiltshire
    Quote Originally Posted by Conehead
    I always ensure I use the indicators, be it using the car or bike, empty roads or not. Best to be in the habit rather than not as you never know when something might happen.

    I usually ride/drive defensively by keeping an eye on others as you never know what they are going to do. NEVER assume they will do what they are meant to do.

    Before anyone gets on their high horses, I am not perfect, I do make mistakes and I am only human.

    Quite agree

    Im the same....I try to use indicators whether there is anyone around or not....what difference does it make anyway if no-ones about ?? Its hardly a waste of energy is it...I mean is it sooo hard to flick that little sticky out thing that operates the indicators ?? For me, checking the mirror to see if anyone will be affected by my non indication requires much more thought than a carrying out an operation I am in the habit of doing anyway.
    To me an indication of intention is always worth it just in case I didnt notice a speedy bike or car that has appeared behind me.

    ;D ;D ;D

  6. Re: Have people forgotten how to use their indicators! 
    Diamond Member Beamer's Avatar
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    Trowbridge, Wiltshire
    Another point I shall make regarding motorway driving

    A chap I used to work with told me about a crash that he was witness to on the M4 quite a while back.

    A person was in the outside lane and was moving into the middle lane without indicating.....another person was coming out of the inside lane to overtake at the same sort of time......they hit each other cos the outside lane driver had not indicated so inside lane driver pulled out as the lane was clear and they both collided.

    Please dont throw a load of accusations about who was right and wrong n stuff cos I dont know the answers........all I know is the story made me start indicating when changing lanes AFTER overtaking (instead of just drifting across, which I used to do) as well as before overtaking too.


  7. Re: Have people forgotten how to use their indicators! 
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Non indication is my biggest hate on the roads, I've often wondered whether to ask Mark Able whether they have stopped teaching new drivers to indicate! The trouble is you end up trying to guess what the driver is going to do and this can end up in some very nasty accidents! I spend half my time shouting to other drivers, INDICATE!!! > >
    It's all about the ride!

  8. Re: Have people forgotten how to use their indicators! 
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by rosie
    I spend half my time shouting to other drivers, INDICATE!!! > >
    .. Can't hear you with your helmet on Rosie !!!!!
    Ducati Diavel Dark

  9. Re: Have people forgotten how to use their indicators! 
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    It's all about the ride!

  10. Re: Have people forgotten how to use their indicators! 
    Diamond Member
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    May 2010
    If you put too many animals from any species in to too small a confined space they will end up fighting with each other.

    Humans are no different in that regard – our roads are too congested and over capacitated. I had never heard of the term road-rage when I started out as a road-user in the mid 70s, but now I witness it on a daily basis.

    IMHO we will reach such a level of saturation on our roads that we will be faced with two choices. Either do nothing allowing the status quo of a gridlocked roads network to remain, or encourage more public transport use by making it a more affordable alternative.

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