Just a quick update on my situation.

So not such good news this week,

such is the extent of damage to my femur, I will be in and out of surgery for the upcoming 12 months - there goes the Isle of Man this year.

They need to shorten my left leg by about 4 cm and replace the hardware in my leg for heavier duty stuff.

They will shorten it because it needs two flat surfaces rather than the mess that's there at the moment. Will be looking at Feb for the first part.

The second part, once it has healed and I am dizzy from walking round in circles due to 1 leg being shorter than the other, will be to surgically break it again and add a lengthening device that will stretch my leg by 1mm a day. It will do so by having magnetic screws in the device and using a magnetic device once a day to turn the screws, so no soft tissue damage every day.... (silver linings and all that)

Once healed, they will then turn their attention back to my knee.

Out of action for 9 months now and it's going to be at least another 9, depending on how fast the NHS decide to take.

My solicitor is just about to issue court proceedings as myself as the claimant. I still feel completely not at fault but have been told it will more than likely come off as 50 / 50, insurance companies are happy to take your hard earned wonga, but don't like to pay out. Not that I am claiming on mine, I will still take a hit in any future cover I will have.

All this and I start to worry about losing my employment for it being an "operational inconvenience" which will put an end to my health insurance.

Not the week and visit to the surgeons that I expected (or was hoping for)