
Thread: got punted by a landrover freelander

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  1. got punted by a landrover freelander 
    Active Member
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    Jan 2012
    hi ladies and gents, fraid to say i got in a tangle with a landrover on the 31st of march i write this from my hospital bed in the RUH 11 days after it occured, heres how it happened

    was on the a367 at the top of bear flats in bath, i started to safely over take the slow moving traffic on the road just before hitting the section pf of dual carriageway. I was not speeding

    Suddenly drom the left a landrover freelander pulled out of shakespere avenue from my left and punted me good and proper, sent me flying 10 meters, saw the bike pirouette across the road whiles upside down in the air then i landed.

    Emergency crews were awesome got me to hospital as best they could. I sustained a few good injuries which have left me out of action. The impact from the freelander shattered my left femur into 7 pieces, snapped all the ligaments in my left knee and upon hitting the floor, fractured my left elbow.

    I now have a lovely metal rod holding my thigh together, I will publish the xrays when i have them (probably)

    The police has ruled the incident 50/50 as i should i have not been there, but i was overtaking safely and legally in my eyes and would not say it was 50/50 at all, she turned into my right of way and didnt look at all.

    I may be able to go home soon but wont be mobile and will need to eat sleep and **** in the same room for a while

    now the questions,

    will the polices verdict of the incident effect any insurance claim / personal injury claim i may have??

    im not sure how this all works

    any advice appreciated
    Last edited by GingerWizard86; 24-06-14 at 11:21 AM. Reason: updated sustained injuries

  2. Re: got punted by a landrover freelander 
    Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Hi there

    Sorry to hear about your accident - hope you recover quickly.

    As for your question - please pm me and I will see if I can help (im a solicitor)


  3. Re: got punted by a landrover freelander 
    Active Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sorry to hear about your accident and hope you recover soon. I can recommend this guy, he is an ex police motorcycle trainer and accident investigator.

    Google, Mcmillan Solicitors.

  4. Re: got punted by a landrover freelander 
    Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hiding in your blindspot
    White Dalton, you need a solicitor on side who knows the law, especially regarding to bikers and filtering etc. If you haven't heard of them, they have a column in Fast Bikes and are all bikers, and solicitors not the usual idiots appointed by your insurance. Tell them Mitch from Chippenham sent you (Rhiannon is dealing with me presently, regarding my off), the filth are talking b*ll&cks, this thread may help also,

  5. Re: got punted by a landrover freelander 
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Kin ell GW,

    Mend well and good luck with your claim.

    Everything else is shyte

  6. Re: got punted by a landrover freelander 
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Yeah, as already said - get a specialist solicitor on the case. Not only do they know the situation, they have the experience too! A good solicitor is worth their weight in gold!

  7. Re: got punted by a landrover freelander 
    Active Member
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    Feb 2009

  8. Re: got punted by a landrover freelander 
    Diamond Member Jacde's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    ouch! gws
    It's Lilac... not pink!

  9. Re: got punted by a landrover freelander 
    Diamond Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I'm not a lawyer, but I do remember the police saying at Bikesafe, that if you overtake past a junction, then the liability is 100% yours as the overtake is unsafe. The driver may never have been able to see you as you would have been coming past the the traffic obscuring his view.

    If they are offering a 50/50, in those circumstances, I would probably bite their hand off. I may have misunderstood your description though, in which case if I've got it wrong I apologise in advance!

    In this diagram you would have overtaken the purple car, and the driver pulling out wouldn't have seen you...


  10. Re: got punted by a landrover freelander 
    Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Sorry to hear about your accident and GWS

    will the polices verdict of the incident effect any insurance claim / personal injury claim i may have??
    Maybe, maybe not.
    The police are only interested in criminal offences. In addition they will only make a prosecution where there is evidence "beyond reasonable doubt" as the bar is set high to convict.
    The police are not the slightest bit interested in the civil liabilities and settling the costs is a civil matter.

    So if someone is prosectued that will help greatly for the insurer to decide liability for the costs.
    If there is no criminal offence I'm afraid the police will not be interested and their report may not contain much of value.
    The police do not deliver "verdicts" on civil liability. They only decide whether they want to prosecute anyone for a criminal conviction.

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