
Thread: First IAM session

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  1. First IAM session 
    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    nr Ringwood, Hants
    My first ride out this morning with IAM instructor as I, hopefully, progress towards taking the IAM motorcycle test in a few months.
    Bloody cold and a tad slippery in places but an enjoyable and, for me at least, different ride out. Nigel, my designated instructor, is a fully signed up member of the BMW dayglo jacket riders union and has a little different outlook on biking than I've been exposed to but then that's the whole idea.
    After 30 years + of riding I've already this morning picked up a couple of things to improve, no doubt a whole heap more over the coming months. Definitely gonna need to dust off my copy of the highway code ;D

    Any other IAM 'trainees' in WB land going through the process at the moment? I'd be interested to hear your take on the training.

  2. Re: First IAM session 
    Active Member
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    May 2011
    well - done my test a few years ago - on my pre test obs - was told to quicken up on my overtakes - so on my test done just that ! result - was failed for speeding ! took test again - same copper same route - i said ok today i will not break speed limit - he said i understand no prob - got back - passed good ride - de brief guess what ! would have liked to see swifter overtakes - i just smiled was polite and thought yeah ! you want the bit of paper then you gotta jump a few hoops ! been on i a m ride outs since - lots of different styles pace etc - may be use it as a base line for yr own style pace etc etc

  3. Re: First IAM session 
    Diamond Member Nokesy's Avatar
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    I'll be keeping a keen eye on this thread as going to start mine when it's warmer

  4. Re: First IAM session 
    The Boss Dabz's Avatar
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    Trowbridge, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
    I've been wanting to do mine for a few years but always struggle to find the time :/

  5. Re: First IAM session 
    Active Member
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    May 2010
    I'm about to start mine... my first observed ride is in a few weeks time!!

  6. Re: First IAM session 
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    My new year's resolution this year is to actually get around to taking my IAM test :-? I actually started my training in 2010, but for various reasons last year (2011) I kept losing momentum and the whole process has been dragged out. I've reached the stage whereas I am about to book my pre-test check ride, so I just need to knuckle down and get focussed ... it would be a shame to get so far and not at least attempt the test ... making good progress is all part of the course

    There is no doubt that the IAM training has helped me improve my riding ... especially since I learnt (self taught) to ride a motorbike in the 80's before there was any formal training widely available. I am ashamed to own up to having contributed over the years to the statistics which have since led to the introduction of CBT, mod 1 and mod 2 bike test, etc ... :-[ Even though I haven't "officially" finished the course yet, using the training and knowledge that I have gained I won't be going back to my "old" riding style

    My experience are also similar to flat2v2, in as far as when started my training I was marked down after my observed rides because I was sometimes too cautious and didn't take advantage of the flexibility / moveability of a motorbike to attempt safe overtakes ... the resulting consequences of my "self taught style" As my training progressed I then started to lose points for "general constraint". I was making progress but sometimes at the expense of safe and courteous riding, and I continue to learn that there is "fine balance" to achieving a safe progressive ride.

    Also, one of my colleagues at work is a senior observer in the Cheltenham group and following a few ride outs after work he has made different observations, so I guess that different observers & examiners are looking out for different things :-/

    Those people who have passed the advance test have certainly jumped through many hoops :

  7. Re: First IAM session 
    Diamond Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Did mine 4 years ago. Well worth it [smiley=thumbup.gif]

  8. Re: First IAM session 
    Platinum Member
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    Feb 2009
    Did mine a few years ago.
    Changed my riding dramtically and I would encourage anyone to do an advanced riding course whatever stage you are at. If you are early on in your learning curve then it will give you a good grounding and a lot of confidence, if you've very experienced it will pick up your bad habits.
    If I had my time again I wouldn't bother with IAM and would go straight to Rospa.
    Much cheaper to start out and they actually keep their members up to scratch with a re-test every three years at no charge.
    Most IAM members do not take further training (it is there but it's voluntary so few take it up).
    We go on both sets of rideouts and you can see the difference in standards between the Rospa group who are continually re-tested and the IAM who do it once and then after a while drop their standard.

  9. Re: First IAM session 
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I took my test last year, I think it made me a safer and more progressive rider. So glad I did it and would recommend it to anyone.

    I had a bad start with an observer who didn't give me much information on how to improve my riding. Changed my observer and the first rideout with him, I came home practicing what I had learned! It is important to have confidence in your observer.

    As for overtaking, I think most people would say, you need to be on the wrong side of the road for as short a time as possible and it's dangerous to keep looking at your speed to make sure you don't exceed the speed limit. I think the key is to bringing your speed back to the correct speed as soon as possible after the overtake.

    Good luck and enjoy!!
    It's all about the ride!

  10. Re: First IAM session 
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Ducatista
    Did mine a few years ago.
    Changed my riding dramtically and I would encourage anyone to do an advanced riding course whatever stage you are at. If you are early on in your learning curve then it will give you a good grounding and a lot of confidence, if you've very experienced it will pick up your bad habits.
    If I had my time again I wouldn't bother with IAM and would go straight to Rospa.
    Much cheaper to start out and they actually keep their members up to scratch with a re-test every three years at no charge.
    Most IAM members do not take further training (it is there but it's voluntary so few take it up).
    We go on both sets of rideouts and you can see the difference in standards between the Rospa group who are continually re-tested and the IAM who do it once and then after a while drop their standard.
    Hi Lisa ..... I'd like to think that I set out to keep up my IAM test standard each time I get on my bike.

    I admit that I haven't done RoSPA so don't go on RoSPA ride outs to see their standards are higher and that roSPA riders keep their standards up better than an IAM rider.

    Maybe I should do RoSPA in the next 12 mths or so to become a better rider.
    Ducati Diavel Dark

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