Dave - I know, as I said, just playing devils advocate really. Dodn't mean that as a personal comment. We've all been out in times in stuff and though afterwards 'if I'd come off, I'd have been mincemeat', myself included so I can't judge.

But this thread wasn't about changing the law, it was about making sure people with no experience, at test stage, are making good and informed choices about what they wear.

But some peopl really do believe 'it's my body, my brain, my choice', and it should be that way. So long as your choices don't impact on anyone else if they go wrong. The moment they can or do, then it becomes more of a selfish protest, rather than thinking about those that have to deal with what's left afterwards. And that includes me, every time I decide to put someone else at risk, by not wearing the maximum amount of safety gear possible.

Hey, nobody is perfect, and if we were, what a boring world....