Quote Originally Posted by lunalupi
So far I've managed to commute too and from work on the CG 5 days a week, every week, since March, but now the weather has turned (and we have snow!) I was wondering at what point you guys decide it's time to put the bike away? :-/

Luckily I live very close to the A4 so as long as I can get out of my road I'm on main roads all the way to work, and I've got good tyres with lots of tread, but when should I stop listening to the bit that loves being out on the bike (even in the freezing cold with 6 layers on!) and listen to the sensible mum voice telling me it's time to put two wheels away?
I'm in a similar position. I keep riding all winter and thoroughly enjoy it. I only stopped briefly last year after slipping over on unseen ice (fortunately not coming to any harm myself and only causing cosmetic (but expensive) damage to the bike) - but that persuaded me to stay off wheels for about 3 weeks during the long snowy spell in Jan/Feb. Knowing that I was riding carefully on a sunny, dry day when my slip happened does now make me worry that there's little I can do to reduce the risk in those conditions, so I'm more likely to leave the bike in the garage when it's sub-zero.